Part 34

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Roger's POV

We just managed to shut the door before the giggles came over us again and we were doubled over outside the door just laughing about something that wasn't even remotely funny. The only reason I was laughing so much was Brian was making me laugh by making ridiculous faces. I don't think he even realised he was doing it then with the whole thing with Freddie, gah, it just broke me and I couldn't contain myself.

"Um, you okay to go back in now?" Brian asked as he wiped his eyes and I nodded then went to grab the door handle but a warm hand stopped me, "what, no kisses for your boyfriend?" he smiled and I pulled him into a little hug, kissing what was exposed of his chest until he gently pulled my head back and connected our lips.

Being honest, the first time we kissed I was very surprised. I thought he would be a slightly shitty kisser but he proved me completely wrong now. Our lips stayed locked together as we moved in unison then I felt a little pressure on my lips and parted them ever so slightly. A tongue snaked in and began swirling around in my mouth as my tongue caressed it gently, making the tiniest of moans escape my boyfriend.

My eyes fluttered shut after taking in all the beauty in front of me but the image of my love still stayed in my mind, clear and pure as real life. I let my mouth do all the work as my hands ran themselves up and down Brian's body, even going dangerously low, to just add the lusciousness of the kiss.

Once we were both panting for breath we pulled apart and just admired each other for a few seconds, still in a tight hug, then I stood on tiptoes and gave him a quick peck on the cheek and wriggled out of his grasp. "Come on, they'll be started now" I smiled and Brian nodded a little. His hand came up to my cheek and caressed it ever so gently before he ran a hand through my hair, "oh, hang on...your glasses aren't straight" he smiled and bent down a bit to sort me out.

Once he finished fiddling with my sunglasses, I put a hand on the doorknob and opened it slowly then stepped inside. We walked in to the other two being in a very in-depth conversation about John's little boy with the man himself having a very proud smile on his face as the presenter asked what little Robert thought of 'his daddy being famous'. I couldn't help but smile at how proud he looked as we sat down.

The presenter gave us a little smile as we sat down then carried on with his questions for John, just to fill a bit of time before he had a chance to talk to all of us together. I slipped the headset on and just waited until a question was aimed my way, which wasn't very long, then tried to get a word in edge-ways when the other boys tried answering for me.

-- a while later --

"Well, thank you Queen for coming down today, have a lovely time touring in America with your new album" the presenter smiled at each of us in turn as we collected jackets and coats so we could make a quick exit, "just before you go, could each of you suggest us a song to play? We'd love to know what the men themselves love" he said and gave us a little notepad to write down a song.

Each of us chose one song then handed back the notepad, "ooh, interesting...okay listeners! This is the lovely choice of John Deacon, enjoy 'heard it through the grapevine'..." the presenter said and quickly cut to the song. "Thank you all so much, I'll just play the rest of them whilst you're gone, I know you have a busy day" he smiled and the four of us started getting up.

I stood up and took my coat off the back of the chair and slung it around my shoulders as Freddie and John started making their way to the door. The pressure around my head went away and I turned to see Brian with a huge grin on his face and my headset in his hands, "don't forget, lovie" he said and I felt my face heat up a little.

I scurried out of the room after the other two and Brian stayed right behind me. We were met by the security man from earlier stood just at the end with a little cardboard sign in his hands which I couldn't quite read where he was so far away. "What's it say?" I poked Brian's arm and he read it out to me, "it says... 'Queen, the cars are outside already. Or are they? You never know, I might be playing a prank... Nah, they're there. And I'm inside one of them'"

Those three little words (a Maylor fanfiction) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang