Part 37

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(A week later)

Brian's POV

Our last show of 1977. Wow. We'd done half the tour already and it felt like we'd barely started but it was time for a well-earned rest. We made the getaway straight after our show then were just shoved onto a plane for god knows how long until we got home.

And that is where we pick up...

Freddie stood up at the front of the plane about an hour away from landing and starts making a little speech to the plane packed with our crew and us, "hello my dears, I-um-I just wanted to thank you all for all your hard work this year and with this tour. I know we've been a right bunch of divas but you-all of you- have put up with us so thank you and have a nice time at home with your families" he smiled then sat down as a chorus of 'cheers' came from the crew and a load of drinks were raised in the air.

We waited for who was getting up next and John decided he would, leave us for last, and just stayed near his seat but looking behind at all the cheerful faces, "um, hi...Freddie's said basically everything I wanted to say so just thanks for looking after us and making the shows so wonderful" he smiled and all bottles and cups raised in the air once again.

Then it was between me and Roger on who was going next until he tapped me on the shoulder and whispered a little plan, "howabouts we do it together? Might make the other two all mushy" he giggled and I nodded as the both of us stood up at the same time and made our way to the front of the seats.

"Uh, thank you all for a wonderful first've all been so hard-working and you really deserve a rest with your families, like us" Roger said then shuffled closer to me and intertwined our fingers behind my back.

"Yes, all of you have worked so hard to keep up with us and our little tantrums and stuff so we thank you very much and I hope to see all of you for the next part of this tour, cheers!" I smiled, raising my bottle of water, and got a little cheer back as both of us went beck to our seats.

Roger sat down first and I had to climb over him to get to the window seat, my seat, but ended up just falling in his lap and sitting on him. "Brian! You're crushing me with your ass!!" Roger screamed and I saw a few people look behind at us as I scrambled to get off his lap.

As soon as I got to my seat, Roger rested his head on my shoulder and waved me a little closer, "I wasn't actually complaining, just so you know, but would you like to go to one of ours after...we could use the Houston shopping trips stuff"

I smiled at the idea of doing something tonight but just told him later, I didn't want to get a boner and have to sit with it for another hour. He stayed for the rest of the flight with his head on my shoulder and when he fell asleep for a while it dropped so he was resting in the crook of my arm.

I shook him gently and he woke up with a jolt and a snort where he was halfway through a snore, "Roggie babes, we're landing now" I said and he smiled at me sleepily then let me reach over him for his seatbelt.

His hands dug into the armrests as soon as we started to land so I took the one closest to me and held it tight as a sort of reassurance for him, "thanks Bri...sorry if I kinda break your hand" he giggled and I gave his hand a little squeeze, as long as you don't break my pick hand I'll be fine"

That cheered him up a little and he let a smile onto his face as he squeezed my hand harder than he already was. As we descended I could almost feel the excitement in the plane from the boys and the crew, I guessed almost everyone was excited to be home.

Roger started falling asleep again and I had to gently shake him to keep him awake and was met with the most adorable little smile as he turned to me. "I can't wait to go home..." he said, "I can't wait to sleep in my own bed!" His smile got bigger and his legs started bouncing with excitement.

"Don't rock the plane, jeez!" I chuckled and placed a hand on his knees so he would stop for just a minute, his shaking was shaking me and it was making me feel a bit sick. "Oh, sorry...I'm just so excited!" He grinned and I felt his grip loosen a little as the runway came into view from the window.

"Ohh, bed...I wish I could go to bed right now..." he mumbled and his head jerked forwards, sending his glasses flying into his lap, "did it get brighter in here?" He squinted at me and I giggled, letting go of his hand for a second so I could give him back his glasses. "Oh...I didn't know I dropped them, thanks" he smiled and quickly put them on before resting his head against my shoulder again.

And that was how we spent the next ten minutes....

When we touched the tarmac, Roger jolted awake and went back to squeezing my hand until it nearly dropped off, "you're okay...we've landed now" I cooed and he nodded, pressing everything into the chair and armrests as we skidded along the tarmac.

The hostesses came out and started clearing up the plane as everyone made their way off, "Come on...let's get home" Roger smiled and got all his bags then made his way off. I followed him off and through the terminal where a few security had to stay close as a lot of fans wanted to welcome us back.

It wasn't that we didn't trust our fans but there were some people who would come and just be absolutely rude and disrespectful. Thankfully I didn't hear anything rude being shouted, only quite a bit of screaming and a lot of 'I love you's directed towards us.

We were showed our separate cars after getting the last of our luggage and saying goodbyes to crew and each other with hugs, and cheek kisses from Freddie, then going our separate ways. I was in the first car then John was behind me, then Fred, and at the end was my lovely boyfriend, "see you at Christmas, dears!" Freddie called then slipped into his car as we all said quick goodbyes again and did the same.

I didn't try to make conversation with the driver because I was way too tired but when he got me home I gave him a little pat on the shoulder and thanked him before I got out. I walked up the front steps to my door and fumbled with my keys then found the right one and unlocked it.

I stepped inside and smelled the sweetness of my house, I never noticed how it smelt until I came home from a while away. But it was comforting knowing that this was my house with my bed and nobody who could be standing outside my room as I slept.

"Oh bed! Hello!" I shouted and flopped back on it, feeling every familiar spring pressing into my back, "gah, I need a nap...I'll phone Rog, see if he got home safe" I spoke to myself then picked up the phone on my bedside table and dialled Roger's number into it.

I held the handset to my ear and listened as it rang and rang and rang until there was a click and a crackle, "Hello? If it's you Fred then I don't want to talk to your cats, piss off" Roger grumbled and I burst out laughing. "Babes, it's me!" I chuckled and he made a little 'oh' noise, "I'll still make you talk to my cat though" I smiled and he chuckled.

"You don't even own a cat! How can I talk to it?" He asked and I miaowed for him, "alright, that's pretty convincing...anyways you got home safe I'm guessing" he said and I hummed as a yes, "good, if you wanna come over tomorrow then I'm in all day...just knock or shout if I don't hear you" He giggled and I smiled.

"I'll come as early as I can so we can do as much as possible together, I've missed being in a room with you this week" I said and he cooed on the other end, "aw, I can't wait...we'll make it a date!" I hummed in agreement then he started yawning and I suggested it was time to call it a day, "go and have a rest, see you tomorrow" I said and he hummed.

"Love you Bri...see you tomorrow" he said and I could practically see him with that adorable smile on his face, "love you too my baby, g'night" I said before a click and I put the phone down.

I laid on the bed staring up at the ceiling and thought about getting a cat, "I'd love a little cat...ooh! If I ever move in with Roggie then we could get a cat. Oh, I could ask him at Christmas! Yes...I better write that down before I forget it" I shot off the bed and found a notepad then made a little note of my idea.

I went back into the bedroom and took off everything but my boxers before slipping into bed. "This Christmas is gonna be brilliant..." I sighed and closed my eyes and let sleep consume me completely.

Hey hey hey!!! How are you all?
I hope you're enjoying this and hope the next chapters do this beautiful relationship some justice :) ~ Kate

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