Part 63

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Brian's POV
I watched as Roger's head slowly fell to my lap and stayed there for a little while until I thought he looked uncomfortable and sat him up with the chair back slightly. His mouth hung open a bit and I could just about see his closed eyes through the dark glasses.

"Sweet dreams babe, I'll wake you up when we're landing" I said and placed a little kiss on the back of his hand before I covered him up with the blanket and let him be.

We were allowed to walk around now we were at a certain height so I undid the seatbelt around my hips and got up. I looked around and saw John sat on his own so I went over and sat opposite him.

"Alright? Where's your lot to?" I asked and he smiled, "Off in the loo I think, everyone just got up and outed" he said and let out a little laugh.

Just then, a little body wrapped itself around my leg and I looked down to see a small child that very much resembled the proud man in front of me. "Hello, little man! Oh, look at you, you can tell daddy dressed you" I smiled and picked the giggling boy up and rested him on my lap.

He turned around to face me and played with the stray hairs that didn't tuck into my ponytail as I looked down at his shirt, "you look very handsome, Robert" I said and he gave me a little smile as I pulled at his little jumper. He was dressed in a little jumper and a pair of dungarees and it was just the cutest thing ever.

"Of course he's handsome, he did inherit my face" John smiled and I chuckled a little as I bounced the two year old on my legs. He was way too interested in my hair for my liking but it was keeping him quiet so I was doing a good service to everyone, especially Fred who I noticed was trying to take a nap earlier.

I looked the little boy in the face and he stared back at me with lovely green eyes, "do you think you look like your daddy?" I asked and he nodded with a huge grin. "Yeah...look like daddy lots u'cle Bri!" He giggled and looked over at John as he gripped onto my shirt.

"You've raised him well, mate. That's a pretty good sentence" I smiled and John nodded as his son tried to get off my lap, "Hey! Give uncle Bri a kiss and I'll let you down" I said and the boy turned to look at me. He shuffled up my lap and almost kneed me in the balls before he puckered his tiny lips and pressed them to my cheek.

"Thank you, little one" I smiled and let him down from my lap with a groan, "gaw, you're getting heavy!" I smiled as Robert clambered up John's leg and got himself rested on his father's lap. It was a pretty lovely sight if I'm honest but it only made me want to have a kid in my arms more and more.

"I'm guessing you'll want to be alone for now, I'll just pop off for something to drink" I said and stood up out of the seat as John started playing a clapping game with the boy.

I wandered over to the drinks station and found a little bottle of beer underneath the trolley and picked it up, "might as well enjoy myself" I said and popped the top off to drink it. I took a swig and swilled it round my mouth then gulped it down, having to stop a burp from erupting back up, and started to walk around a bit more.

I saw Fred was out cold now and half of his little entourage were either with him or just falling asleep then looked over at Roger who was still in the position I left him. I went over and kneeled on the floor so I wouldn't wake him up and giggled when I saw a little line of dribble coming out of his mouth.

"You mucky pup, please don't wake up just yet" I smiled and brought a tissue out of my pocket to wipe his face with. It really was like taking care of a big kid but I didn't mind, he was a pretty darn adorable big kid.

I wiped up the slobber and kissed his clean cheek then sat opposite him and watched as he curled his legs up and bedded down properly. I could hear his light snoring and smiled a little, it sounds weird I know but I went for so long without hearing that tiny noise that I just loved it now.

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