Part 71

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Brian's POV
I awoke to find Roger draped over me with his chin on my shoulder and his face pressing against mine as if he just wanted to piss me off when I woke up because the noise he was making was seriously annoying.

Like 'I'll just move and let you lie there alone' annoying. C'mon, you all know it...

But yeah, I managed to move his head away from me and sit him up straight in the seat but that didn't stop the annoying wheezing noise he was making at all. I looked around and saw a few people still asleep at the front and John was most definitely still asleep because I could hear him snoring in front of me but most were starting to get coats on and bags ready to get off it seemed.

Freddie came from the front to me and smiled at the sight of the two sleeping men, "leave 'em be, we're stopping at a service station so we can get a bit of fresh air. Uh, d'you want a hand out so you can come with or are you alright here?" He asked and I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Are you kidding, anything to get away from wheezy and John" I joked and he looked at me with a dropped jaw, "no, I'm only kidding. Well, not about the wheezy part but you get what I mean...yes, I'd love a hand out" I said and Freddie looked at me with concern.

"Did you say he's wheezing? Because if he is then we might need to get him checked out...that really can't be good unless he's happy to go on stage like that" Freddie said and pointed at Roger who was now facing me, "and I'm sure he won't..." he added and I nodded slightly.

I opened my mouth to say something but quickly shut it again when Freddie rushed back to the front and got the man who sorted Roger out in the first place. They both came back and the man knelt down next to Roger and gently shook him to wake him up but he wasn't even stirring.

"Can you try and wake him up? I need to see what he's like and go from there" he said and I started to violently shake his shoulder which got me a small groan but we were still left with a sleeping man, "hang on, try taking it off him...that might do it" he said and I looked at him as if he was mad.

"We're trying to wake him up, not kill him!" I said but the man stayed firm on what he told me, "fine...I'll keep it near him if he needs it, though" I said and he nodded before I turned my body to face Roger and found the little green band that was holding the mask to his face.

I pulled it off the back of his head and caught the plastic as it fell from his face. "Alright, I'll just turn it off a minute and see if he wakes up" the man said and I nodded a little, putting the mask in my lap and nervously playing with the elastic.

Roger's wheezes soon turned into coughs and splutters and he quickly woke up and started grabbing his chest. I felt air start to rush out of the mask again and looked down at the man who nodded towards Roger.

I put my hand on his cheek and turned his head towards me then gently placed the mask over his face and held it in place as he calmed down a little but couldn't stop coughing. Freddie patted his back roughly and after a few pats, Roger prised my hand off of his face and scrambled out of his seat to the toilet.

He forgot to shut the door so everyone had the lovely sound of him blowing chunks into the toilet until Freddie saw sense and held the door shut. The crowd at the front were looking again and I think Freddie shooed them off because they all turned back to the front at the same time.

"You okay in there, dear?" Freddie called and there was a muffled hum before we could hear him throw up again, "Jeez, he's overdone it this time...this is the worst I've ever seen him. Usually he'd have a massive headache and be a miserable bitch but this has never happened before" Freddie said and I nodded in agreement.

"No, he's never been this bad with me...I think we should just let him get everything out of his system and get him to a bed" I said and Freddie nodded, "I might take him to the doctors after the show...just to get him checked out, you know?" I said and watched as Roger slowly started to open the door and peered out.

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