Part 10

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(The week after)
Brian's POV
Ever since those little pecks we gave each other, both of us have been very awkward and I don't know why. Roger was pretty damn confident when he told me he liked me and now he's as shy as ever, I really don't know what to do!

I wanted to ring him up and ask him out or something but to be honest I was too scared. I guess I don't want him to reject me after that little moment last week. "Man up Brian! It's just Roger... just Roger..." I said to myself and picked up the phone. I punched in the number and it rang... and rang... until finally someone picked up.

"Hello?" It wasn't Roger's voice that answered me, "uh, hello... where's Roger?" I was getting a little flustered already, "oh, he's right here... hang on..." the voice said, I still couldn't recognise it. It was definitely a man but I really couldn't tell who... "Hello?" Finally, the voice I wanted. "Alright Rog..." I said and heard a hum, "yeah, not bad. How about you?" He asked and I made a small noise to reply.

'You're being so awkward with him! Just ask the damn question already!' My head screamed at me and I had to give in. "Umm, Rog..." I started and heard a little hum, "do you want to maybe... go out sometime?" I slowly got the words out and the nervousness faded away slightly.

"Where would you like to go? For a drink or a meal or-" he started but I cut him off, "a meal... much better than sitting in a shitty pub all night." I laughed and he let out a little chuckle. "Oop, gotta Go now Bri, see you later!" He said and I hummed, "Okay, buh-bye!" I put down the phone and a sigh escaped my lips.

"Shit... I have to get ready... tonight is like seven, right?... yeah, I'd better get ready." I said to myself and dashed up the stairs, into the bathroom. Just outside the bathroom was a little radio which I switched on and turned the volume right up so I could hear it over the shower.

I got out different bottles of stuff, half of them I didn't know what they were for but if they helped then that's brilliant, and lined them up on the windowsill.

Hair shampoo and a conditioner, body wash, a scrub thing which I don't remember buying, foot cleanser, a perfumed lotion and a lot of other stuff I went through and chose what I needed.

Out of the long line, I picked three things, hair stuff, body stuff and a new bottle of face wash. I quickly undressed myself and hopped into the shower, putting the three huge bottles onto the rack in the little cubicle.

I turned the shower on and let the hot water hit my body. I stuck my head under the water and felt each curl drop out and stick to my neck and shoulders. I turned around and let the water run down my back whilst I got a shower poof (I don't know what it's called, a poof, a loofah, a scrunchie... hopefully that's right) and got the bottle of body wash.

I scrubbed ever part of my body, probably things that haven't been scrubbed in ages, and washed it off. "I feel so clean, oh my gosh!" I said and ran my hands up and down my arms.

The bottle went back in the rack and I washed through my hair. I got the shampoo and lathered it in, getting a glance of myself in the shower head and how much foam there was piled on top of my head. I laughed at myself and washed it off, getting another palm-full of soap and washing my now flat curls.

I flicked my hair about everywhere as a heavy song blared from outside. I danced about a little, flinging my hair about and singing along as best as I could between giggles. I washed my face with some awful tasting product, yes... I got it in my mouth, don't laugh, and stayed in the shower for a few minutes.

"Towel, towel, towel... where the hell is my towel!" I said, patting around on the towel rack with my eyes shut. I couldn't find my towel so I stepped out of the shower and stuck out my arms so I wouldn't smack into the wall. I found my towel, finally, and wrapped it around my waist.

My hair was dripping everywhere but I didn't exactly care when I went into the bedroom, my head bobbing to the music. I fumbled through my wardrobe and found some clothes, black jeans and a patterned shirt. "Bit cold outside, might wear a jumper..." I said to myself and grabbed a black jumper from the hanger.

I checked the time, 5:45, and sighed. I had enough time to get dressed and maybe pamper myself a little. I went back into the bathroom and got another towel to dry my hair. "Ugh, I need the hairdryer..." I wandered about the house to look for the hairdryer until I finally found it.

I plugged it into the socket on the wall and it made a low hum, meaning it was on. I flipped my head over and started to dry the underside of my hair. I stayed there for quite a while until I could feel my curls spring back up. I flipped my head back up the right way and dried the top, running my free hand through it so it wouldn't go all frizzy.

Once the mop was dry, I pulled on some underwear and got a little something to tide me over until later. I ended up with a bowl of dry cereal which to be honest wasn't the best choice but it had to do. "Hello there," I said when I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, "looking sexy as ever I see."

I had a weird conversation with my reflection until I realised what I was doing, "Brian you twat, that's you! Why are you talking to mirror you!?" I slapped my hand to my forehead and shook my head, "I swear I'm crazy sometimes..."

I threw my clothes on and I swear I spent an hour trying to get all the creases out of my trousers until I gave up. I checked the time again, 7:17, and rushed out of the house, grabbing my keys and wallet on the way.

Those three little words (a Maylor fanfiction) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu