Part 24

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Brian's POV
I didn't want to speak to Roger at that moment, and I don't think he wanted to speak to me either, so I just kept quiet and let Freddie and John have a chat between us. I heard something about 'rapist' in their conversation and tried to worm into it, "What did that guy say to you?" I asked and Freddie looked up at me, "oh, I'm really not supposed to tell..." he smiled awkwardly and I sighed, "Okay..."

I kept trying to listen in on their conversation but they were being so quiet and secretive that I just gave up in the end. 'Wonder what that guy actually said to them, if he gave them a notice or something' I thought, staring down at my feet and shuffling them as something to do. I came up with lots of different things he could have said but left it when Roger shuffled over to me.

He had a smile on his face but his eyes were full of pain and hurt as he stood in front of me, "Hello..." he said, his smile fading slightly, and I smiled awkwardly at him, "Hello... What did that officer say to you?" I saw him freeze up and decide wether to tell me or not, "um... he just said that I should cut ties with him because he's done some awful shit..." he said finally.

I nodded and kept up the smile, "oh, okay... was that it or-" he cut me off, "he said he was a wanted rapist and spree killer... before you start freaking that means he's going to prison" I relaxed slightly but not completely, I still had a bit of anger there and I didn't want to let anything slip. "Um, I'm sorry for asking but what did you mean by a friend raping someone else's? I don't quite get it..." he had a flash of worry in his eyes as he looked up to meet mine, "I mean exactly what I said... a friend doesn't rape their friend's boyfriend"

His eyes widened slightly and I could still se that his pupils were huge, "he... he raped you? Oh my god! I'm so sorry Bri, I didn't kno-" I shushed him and he stopped, "I didn't want you to know... I thought it was just done and he's gone forever but he keeps coming back. Remember when I had to step out yesterday? It was because he was there. Remember when I didn't want you to touch me? It was because that was the night it happened... and I'm sorry I hid it but I didn't want to scare you or... I, uh, I didn't want him to be brought up, ever..." tears were brimming his eyes as he just stared up at me.

"So you lied to me... all those times you said you were fine then had to ask to go home just to use a toilet! Brian! Why didn't you tell me! I could've sorted this out with him!" He was on the verge of shouting and I felt my eyes water up. "I... don't know. I don't know why I didn't tell you! I just- urgh! I thought it would be better for both of us if he was never brought up..." I looked down at the small man and a tear rolled down his cheek.

I went to hug him but he put a hand on my chest, "not now... not until you learn to talk about this stuff, maybe then I'll accept one but not now..." another tear escaped his eye and I nodded as a tear of my own fell from my chin. That ripped my heart in two.

"Okay... um, I'll just go then" I stuttered and he turned away, tears streaming down his face. I tapped John and told him I had to go before I legged it down the street, not caring who or what I bumped into but only that I needed to get home. As soon as I was inside, I slammed the door and slid down, sitting in the doorway, to just cry my heart out.

There were a few knocks at the door but I ignored it, burying my head between my knees, "Bri... I know you're there... can I come in?" Johns soft voice was muffled by the wood but I still ignored him. I felt a cold breeze on the back of my neck, "oh, Brian... let me in, I'm just wanna talk" He cooed and I reached up to the letterbox, slamming it shut, then locked the door.

"Okay, you're not in the mood. Um, call me if you want to talk, I'll leave you alone..." he said and sniffled slightly before his footsteps echoed down the street. I didn't even get up when I heard sobbing from outside and just lost myself in my own emotions, re-playing what just happened over and over and never being able to stop it.

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