Part 77

675 28 13

(The next day)
Roger's POV
We had a full day at home before the first show in England and I was definitely going to make it count. All the stuff in my suitcase stayed in the back of my car and most of the stuff in the bedroom, bathroom and living room of mine were with it by mid-morning. I slept on the couch overnight and woke up at six to get a head start on packing up because I really didn't want to stick around.

Brian hadn't talked to me all morning and only asked if I wanted a drink as I disassembled my drum kit from the spare room but I declined with a shake of the head. I finally got that packed up and onto the back seat of my car then checked everything was shut and started driving to my old house.

Since I only rented it out for two months, the people in there should have been gone and I could live in it for a little while until either myself and Brian patched things up or I found another house. And I was right, nobody was inside when I used the spare keys and everything had been left just nicely, exactly how I last saw it.

"Oh, hello home!" I shouted and found the main keys on the table with a little note from the people who rented it out.

Dear Mr Taylor
Thank you for letting us have your home for two months, we hope we left it how you like it and if you'd like to discuss any problems then call us
Thanks again - Dom and family x

I smiled a little at the note and put it back on the table then started to get my stuff out of the car. I got my suitcase out first and dumped it on the sofa then started to get all my valuables to place them back around the house and make the place seem a bit less bare.

"I've gotta do a bit of vacuuming around here, it's dusty as shit" I mumbled and went into the kitchen to find the cleaning stuff. I put it out on the counter and made sure nothing was just an empty bottle then quickly got the rest of my stuff inside, including my drum kit, and started to clean up a bit.

I wiped down all the counters and surfaces in the kitchen then went into the living room and did the windowsills until all of them were a sparkling white before I headed into the little cupboard to get my vacuum out. It was old, sure, but it still worked like a dream if the renters didn't break it.

"C'mon, baby, work for me" I said and plugged it in then quickly stood up as it started to suck up the dirt and pull me away from the socket. I did as much as I could and whistled a little tune as I switched the plug to the other side of the room and vacuumed that.

I took the plug out and left the vacuum standing in the middle of the room then grabbed the cleaner, rags and polish and headed into the dining room. And to say the least, it was a pit. There was remnants of food on the table, bits of mouldy food on the floor and even what looked like tomato sauce splattered over the wall.

"Oh god...I'm gonna need some paint" I said and got to cleaning off what I could, still whistling this song that was stuck in my head. "What damn song is that?" I asked myself and whistled it once through again before I hit my head on the table, "Maggie just had to be that fucking song" I groaned and hit the table with my fist.

"God damnit Brian! You always get into my head somehow" I shouted and tried to forget about the song as I lifted my head and started scrubbing the table even harder. I did manage to distract myself until the table was squeaky clean but after that nothing worked, I needed some hardcore distraction.

I flicked on the radio to try and distract myself but it seemed like the world was out to get me at this moment, it was one of our songs and the man himself was singing. "For fucks sake!" I screamed as I picked the radio up and hurled it at the floor with all my strength.

God did that feel good...

"Right, new radio is on the list with paint" I said and kicked the thing to make sure it was smashed then swept it up and dumped it in the bin, "okay, how much shit have they left under here" I mumbled and got down on my knees to see that there was what looked like an entire, mouldy, meal on the floor.

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