Part 67

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Brian's POV
I fished Robert's coat and boots out of the bag and helped him put them on as Roger got his stuff and dropped my shoes at my feet, "thanks, love, now let's get this other boot on you" I said and forced the welly boot onto the squirming child's foot.

He got up and put his coat on by himself which gave me a bit of time to pull on my shoes and lace them up, receiving a smack on the bum from Roger when I bent over to do them up. "Go do some squats,'re droopy" he giggled and I scoffed jokingly then put my jacket on and grabbed a wallet.

"Okay then crew, off we go!" I announced and opened the door for the other two before leaving the room myself and locking the door, "where is it you wanna go first?" I asked and Robert hummed in thought.

"Ooh! Go t' a ice cweam shop!" Robert said and I chuckled, "we can do that for dinner if you want but d'you wanna go shopping or to the arcade?" I asked and Robert chose the arcade. I didn't even bother to ask Rog because I knew he was going to say arcade from the look in his eyes.

Like I said, one huge kid.

We got down the stairs then found a street sign that said which way the amusements were and followed it until we got to the huge building where a load of people were playing on slot machines and video games.

Robert spotted a pinball table and started to pull Roger towards it, weaving through the crowds of people to get to it, until both of them were stood in front of it to try and see how much it was to play. Roger found it on the side of the machine and dug in his wallet to find the money for a game.

"C'mon little man, up we get" he said and put him on his hip so the boy could see what was going on then put the money in the pinball machine and started playing with one hand. He let Robert pull the lever to set the ball off who squealed when it went flying up and into the actual game zone.

"Tell me what to do, little man! Ima need you!" Roger said as he watched the ball roll around in the machine and Robert squealed in his ear. He pushed the button on the side and made the paddle move then manoeuvred himself to the other side and pressed the other one.

"Wow, uncle woggie! You's good!" Robert said and I saw a little grin spread across Roger's face as he carried on flipping the paddles to keep the ball in play. He kept playing for a good few minutes until the ball went straight between the paddles and he had to stop.

"Oh went down the hole! D'you wanna try and beat that, little man?" I said and Robert turned around and nodded, "alright, uncle Roggie can hold you and I'll help you press the buttons if you like" I said but the boy shook his head.

"You's stwong, uncle bwi, let uncle woggie help" he argued and Roger sneered at me jokingly. "Alright then, piggy back time!" I said and turned around. Roger out the kid on my back and I grabbed his legs as he wrapped his arms around my neck and clung on, "too tall, uncle bwi!" He squealed and I bent down a bit so he wasn't as high up.

Roger put in the money to the pinball machine as I shuffled the boy up my back and let him see, "what do I do, little man...pull this?" Roger asked and pulled on the lever and I felt Robert nod, "well done, tell me when to flip the paddles then, I can't do it unless you say" Roger said and I had the boy squeal in my ear as the game started.

He kept saying to flip it until the ball went into the hole and the game stopped, "that was good, high five!" Roger smiled and high-fived the boy then went off to look at other amusements.

— half an hour later —

Both of the boys had gotten bored of the amusements and it was about lunchtime so I found a shopping street and had all three of us take a short walk down it for any food places.

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