Part 32

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Freddie's POV
The first thought I had when I woke up was about the happy couple. Well, not so happy couple now but that doesn't matter.

I had to sort out the problem between the two of them with as little emotional blowups as possible. Basically the impossible task with the two of them but I'd promised Brian I'd help so I had to keep to it.

I stretched out in the bed and shook everything out in a shudder before I got up slowly to wash and change. "Okay matey, shower then bar... Roger's gonna be there for sure if he knows what he's done" I mumbled then stripped of my clothes and had a quick shower, getting all last night's sweat off of me.

I got out after a firm scrub and wrapped a towel around my waist so I didn't give the whole of America a view of my dick. That was something I didn't want in the papers!

Whilst I was still covered, I picked out something comfortable, but still stylish, to wear and laid it out on the bed then made sure I had shoes and my necklace from Mary before I dried off in the safety of the bathroom and pulled on some underwear.

I took my time with my clothes as I had to look exactly the same for the rest of the day and with interviews to do I was sure I'd have some pictures taken. Once I thought I looked as good as I could in what I picked, I threw my spare essentials into my suitcase and flipped it shut then composed myself and went to look for Roger.

I kept thinking through what I would say to the drummer on my way down in the lift but couldn't come up with anything, I just went with whatever comes out first and go from there. As soon as the lift doors opened I headed for the hotel bar and looked for my friend, not needing long to find him.

He was sat back in an armchair with a drink in his hand. Typical Roger.

I made my way up to him and sat down on the chair next to him just as he noticed my presence, "oh, alright? Where's the other two?" He asked and I just smiled and pointed upwards as a response, "cat got your tongue...Or have you lost your voice again? Please don't say you have, that-" he started to ramble but I cut him off.

"No, I haven't lost my voice...but there's something I need to talk with you about, is it okay to do it here or would you like to go somewhere more private?" I asked and Roger shook his head slightly, brows knitted together.

"Okay, um... you know that you and Bri are a thing, yes?" I asked and he gave me the 'are you serious?' look with a nod, "good. Well, I'm not sure if you are anymore... don't say you're breaking up or anything but by the way Brian is now I think he's close to it" I said and his slight smile dropped completely as he took off his sunglasses to meet my eyes.

He had dark rings around his eyes and they were a little bloodshot and watery from the night's antics but I ignored it and got down to the serious business. "You...he caught you last night in bed" I said and he silently begged me to carry on, "and you were with a woman... apparently, don't say no or yes yet, but apparently you were, um, doing the dirty with her"

His eyes widened slightly and he leaned back in his chair, quickly slipping his glasses back over his eyes, to have time to process what I just told him. After a bit of incoherent stuttering, he gave me a straight sentence, "did Brian tell you this? 'Cause I don't remember that at all..." He rubbed under his eyes and waited for my answer.

"He was absolutely distraught, Roger. He told me literally everything and being honest, if you weren't as drunk and high as you were last night I would have punched you right in the jaw to make you see what you did. Brian was crushed when he came to me... so you really need to sort this out, apologise to the man." I said and I knew it was harsh but Roger really needed a reality check.

"No...I'm not apologising just yet... I don't want to see him, let alone talk to him. If what you've said I did is true then I don't think I can face him. God, how could I be so stupid!? I-I've really gone and done it now...oh" he sighed and took a sip of his drink probably to calm himself a little.

He just mumbled to himself for the next few minutes until his head shot up to face me, "could you do something for me? Please?" I nodded, "go to Brian and say you've talked with me. Just tell him, I don't care. But please don't let him talk to me, I need time..." he said, as if it was him who had the decision to be taken back, and I nodded again then left him on his own.

I didn't bother with the lift this time so I ran up the six flights of stairs and made it to the hallway when I saw Brian and John walking towards me, both looking particularly serious. "How're you feeling?" I asked and Brian looked down at me with the saddest eyes I had ever seen.

He had an unusually pale face and his hair was an absolute mess, like when you first get up, and he just looked tatty in all. He didn't look like the Brian I'd seen yesterday morning, no way.

His quiet voice broke me out of my little trance on his face, "I'm alright, I guess... did you talk to him?" He tried smiling but he just ended up baring his teeth at me as I nodded, "what did he say?" He asked and leaned closer to me so that I could tell him without John knowing the ins and outs of everything, although he was much better emotional support than me.

I told Brian what his boyfriend had said and he made a small face of confusion after I finished, "what do you mean, he doesn't want to talk to me? Are you not telling me something?" He looked slightly worried
"No, he just said he needs time to be able to face you...I really don't see why though, he should own up now and get it over with" I said and both boys nodded.

"So... he wants to avoid me, basically? 'Cause if that's what he meant then that's another level of wrong. If he isn't man enough to talk then I'll make him!" Brian said, fists clenched, and I looked down at the floor, "the bastard! I'm going down right now to see him. And none of you are going to stop me!" He shouted then raced down the stairs with both me and John in tow.

Roger was about to get a huge reality check from his so-called 'boyfriend'. I just prayed Brian wouldn't get violent.

We found Brian near the bar, looking for the drummer, then he shot off towards where I found him earlier. There was a lot of noise and shouting, probably from Brian, and I didn't want to risk someone ending up in hospital. I looked over at John then shot past the bar to see Brian towering over Roger with one hand bunching up his shirt and the other clenched at his side.

Now, Brian didn't normally get this angry... but love was different. He dedicated everything to that man then had it all thrown away with a fling. And boy, he was not happy about it.

Lots of people were gathering around the couple as Brian spoke through gritted teeth to the drummer and only got whimpers and hums in reply. I stood at the side and watched as Brian grabbed him closer then enveloped the both of their heads with his curls.

I don't know what happened during that but I guessed Brian did something huge because when the two pulled away from each other, Roger was blushing and crying and everything at the same time. "Roger? What did he do?!" I asked, comforting the blonde as he staggered over to me, and he met me with ocean blue eyes.

"Can we go upstairs a minute?" He asked and I nodded slightly, leading him and Brian towards the lift then stepping in when the doors opened. The both of them were crying now and John just looked confused but I let them calm down for now and I was going to ask when we got to a room.

It got to our floor and the four of us bundled out, heading for John's room which was the closest, then sat on the bed once we were all in. The happy couple sat on the end of the bed and had their hands extremely close but not touching as they both sniffles and tried to dry their tears.

"So...what did you do?" I asked and Brian gave me a little smile.

"I told him what he needed to hear. I said he hurt me by what he did, I'm not going to lie, and that he should only be fucking me... when I get round to it..." he chuckled and Roger rolled his eyes with a smile, "and then I pulled him in, just like this..."

He put his hand on the back of Roger's neck and rested their foreheads together, "and he just started crying! I didn't even get to say what I wanted!" He laughed and Roger smiled, looking straight at Brian the whole time.

Brian smiled and locked his hazel eyes with the ocean blues as John looked over at me quickly, aware of what the two were doing, then looked back. The guitarist smiled and sighed, "so...what I was going to say was..."

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