Part 107

689 22 22

(14th June 1978)
Roger's POV
I put my leg inside the brace and fiddled with each of the straps until it was comfortable then swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up, putting as little pressure on my leg as I could. Brian came into the room with a red face and teary eyes and wrapped himself around me.

"You okay? What's wrong?" I asked and he sniffled, "we're getting a baby's coming so soon and I'm so happy" he squeaked and squeezed me gently, "I can't believe we're getting him so soon, it still feels like it's months away" he said and I smiled as I ran my hand through his curls.

He pulled back and looked at me with the biggest grin I've ever seen and kissed me, making me lose my balance and topple onto the bed. "Oh god sorry, sorry, are you okay?" Brian asked, the grin suddenly gone, and I started laughing before I sat up and pulled him onto the bed with me, "I'm fine you idiot, now kiss me!" I said dramatically and he giggled.

"Fine, but first I get a cuddle" he smiled and pulled me close to him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed his bare chest, "you give the best hugs, you get all warm and smushy when you give me a hug" I said and he giggled a little as he pushed my hair out of my eyes, "I love you, cute little smushy" I smiled and he kissed my cheek before he pulled away.

He scooted away a little then grabbed me around the back and under the backs of my legs and hauled me up until he was carrying me bridal-style, "where do you want to go, my love?" He said and I put my hands in my lap then looked at him, "somewhere peaceful...I don't mind where, I just want to spend a bit of time with just you and me" I said and he smiled a little.

He carried me carefully down the stairs and into the living room then sat down and put me in his lap, "how's this?" He asked and I smiled as I held his hand, "this is lovely, thank you"

I leaned into him and put my cheek to his chest as he started to talk to me, "um, can I just talk to you?...there's something I need to get off of my chest" he said, sounding nervous, and I nodded a little, "um, I'm worried about the baby. I know there's nothing to worry about but I'm scared that he'll get embarrassed about having two dads"  he said and I squeezed his hand gently.

"We can deal with that when we come to it but for now, he won't know that having two dads is weird or different or anything, I'm sure he'll love us both like any other baby would with their parents" I said and stroked the ring on his finger.

He watched my fingers then lifted them to his lips and kissed the back of it gently, "and we'll love him just the same. And any kids we have in the future" he said and I smiled as he bounced me to get comfy, "sorry, my legs are going dead" he said and giggled a little as he shifted me again.

"Comfortable now? I can get off if I'm too heavy" I said and he shook his head, "you're just fine where you are and I'm just about comfortable" he said and I nodded a little then held his hand to my chest.

"I can feel your heartbeat..." he smiled and looked down at my chest then tapped his shaky fingertips on it, "I'm sorry, I'm really nervous for tomorrow" he said and I held his hand flat against my chest again, "it's fine, love. I get that this is your first child and everyone gets a bit nervous with first borns but I promise you it will be fine" I said and he nodded a little.

"Now, where shall I hide the ornaments? I don't want that shitty cat statue getting broken" I said and he laughed a little. There was a statue of a cat that Fred had given me and even Brian hated it, it looked like the glass had melted halfway through and the cat had gone wrong.

"Of course not, that would be a disaster!" He said in an accent close to Freddie's and threw his arms up dramatically then laughed, "oh yeah, talking about cats...where's Squeaks? Did she go mousing last night?" He said and I nodded a little before he moved me off his lap and got up.

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