Part 101

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Roger's POV
"It-it's a boy?" Brian stuttered and Chrissie nodded, "oh my god, we're gonna have a boy. I can't believe it" he said in a quiet voice and held the little ultrasound image in his hands, "our little boy" he said then smiled and looked at me with those sparkling hazel eyes.

He looked back at the picture and traced his finger over the outline of the child then smiled and leaned into me, "I hope he looks like me" he said and I saw Chrissie smile as I put my arm around him, "I'm sure he'll look exactly like you, love, it'll be a baby you" I said and he laughed a little.

"I hope he doesn't get the mop, that I would never give to my worst enemy, let alone my children" he said and I saw Chrissie smile. "Well, we're gonna have to wait and see" she said then turned slightly nervous and serious, "um, I wanted to go through my birth plan with you two, is that alright?" She asked and I nodded as Brian sat up.

She shuffled a little and slumped into the chair more so she could get comfortable, "Sorry, it's a bit heavy if I'm leaned over it" she said and both of us made a noise to tell her it was alright before she started explaining.

"So, what I was thinking was to have a cesarian... but I don't want to see or hear the baby at all so I'll ask to be completely out when they're doing it, is that okay for both of you?" She asked and I looked at Brian who nodded nervously, "okay...I'm gonna ask as well for them to phone you as soon as I go in so you can have him as soon as he's born" Chrissie continued and Brian nodded again.

"That's fine by me but are you sure the anaesthetic won't hurt the baby?" He asked and Chrissie shook her head, "not at all, I've already talked to the doctors about it and they said it should be fine but they'll need to check me right before they do it" she said and both of us nodded.

"Um, so you don't want to see the baby? I was just wondering, y'know" Brian said and Chrissie shook her head, "I don't want to see it after it's born, later I'll decide but right now I don't want to see him or anything until I'm ready" she said and I nodded.

"Well that sounds like a plan. Have you got a date to go in yet or are you still waiting for a call?" I asked and she shook her head, "on the twelfth of this month they're gonna do it so you two better start preparing" she said and I saw a little smile spread across Brian's face.

"Twelfth...goodness me that's so soon, are you sure it's this month?" He asked and Chrissie showed him a little appointment slip that she took from her handbag, "oh god, alright, we'd better start painting that room and getting everything done" he said then looked at me before Chrissie moved and groaned.

"I'm sorry, can one of you help me up? I can't get up" she said and laughed at the end at how stupid it seemed but both of us offered our hands and she took them then let us haul her up until she was standing, "thanks, um, I'd better get going now so you can start doing whatever you need but don't forget about the date" she said and both of us nodded.

"Right, I'll see you two lovely chaps in the hospital" she said and started to slowly waddle out to the door, "I'm getting there, gimme a minute" she giggled then went out to the hallway and opened the front door, "bye, boys, have fun painting and everything" she smiled and both of us waved before she stepped outside and closed the door.

As soon as it was shut, I turned to Brian and both of us were making the same face, "you wanna scream, don't you" I asked and Brian nodded, "well damn scream then, we're getting a baby boy!" I shouted and both of us started squealing like little girls as we jumped about.

I pulled Brian close and he ran his hands through my hair then put them on my cheeks and made me look up at him, "god, I'm so happy I could fuck you right now" he said and I laughed at how strange that sounded coming from him, "no, seriously, I could really do with something right about now" he said and I smiled.

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