Part 111

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Roger's POV
I sat in the back and looked after the baby as Brian drove us home and I found a game that both me and Jimmy were liking. Peekaboo. I had to take off my glasses and gave them to the most responsible person I could, yes, I gave them to the baby, then covered my face and uncovered it, shouting 'peekaboo!' every time.

Each time I uncovered my face, Jimmy squealed and stretched his little arms out towards me. "Ooh, you like peekaboo don't you" I said and saw his cute smile as I took back my glasses and put them in my pocket. He made another little noise then started coughing so I quickly picked him up and put him over my shoulder.

I patted his back gently and he stopped coughing, bringing up a bit of fluid over the back of my shirt, "there we go, all better now" I cooed and gently put him back as he started to close his eyes. I held his tiny hand with my finger and thumb and smiled as he wriggled a little then went off to sleep.

"And that's nap number one right there" I said and saw Brian smile in the rear view mirror, "as long as he doesn't start screaming when he wakes up, this is gonna be good" he said and I smiled and sat back, "so, hows fatherhood so far?" He asked and my smile turned into a grin.

"Fatherhood has been brilliant so far but I bet you I won't be saying that in a month's time or something" I said and he laughed as we pulled up in front of the house. He got out and took the carrier from next to me then gave me his hand and hauled me out of the car, "are you alright on your own or do you want me to come back?"

"Um, I think I'll be alright, just get the baby down" I said and he nodded a little before he went up the steps and went inside the house. I sat down on the first step then used my good leg to push up on and shuffled up to the next step until I was in the doorway.

I heard laughter from behind me and looked back to see Brian stood in the hallway with a huge grin on his face, "need a hand? Or have you got this butt shuffling method down" he said and I flopped back onto the floor where I was laughing.

"I've got this, babe, I've got this" I said and looked up at him as he knelt by my head then took me under the arms and dragged me into the hallway, "okay, I don't think I had it but thank you anyway" I said and he smiled as I shuffled myself into the living room then hauled myself onto the couch.

Brian came into the room with a grey block in his hands then plopped down next to me and put it in my lap. I put my leg up and locked the joint to try and relax my leg then looked down at the grey box, "what's this? Is it a game or something?" I asked and he shook his head as he plugged it into the socket behind to charge it.

The screen on the front turned black then lines started to run down it and Brian cuddled into me, "turn it on, see what it is" he said and I found a little button on the front and pressed it to see the screen light up then an image came up and a quiet crackle came out of the speaker on the side.

"What is it? I can't see what's on it" I said and Brian giggled as he put his hand over my right eye, "oh, that's a bit better" I said and both of us laughed as I leaned forwards and looked at the image on the screen. "Is that Jimmy? How-what the fuck? How did you do this?" I asked and looked at Brian.

"A little bit of magic" he said then laughed, "no, I found someone who was selling these baby monitors so I got one and it works amazingly" he said and I smiled then looked down at the monitor and saw the tiny figure on the screen move.

"He's so cute, how did you make a human almost as cute as you?" I asked and looked at Brian as he uncovered my eye then wrapped his arm around me. I put the baby monitor between us and both of us watched little Jimmy wriggle about in his crib.

"I don't know, how did I get stuck with someone as cute as you?" He asked and I looked at him as he gently pinched my cheek then kissed it. I held his head with one hand and pulled him close again until our lips met in a short but sweet kiss, "I dunno, maybe it was fate" I said and he smiled a little before he stood up.

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