Part 65

873 30 10

John's POV
All three of them had been mucking about whilst they got dressed, prancing about and shouting ridiculous things and we even convinced Fred to do his little strip tease for us, Roger's idea not mine. But I was in a way better mood thanks to the three goofs and hopefully it could stay that way.

I was completely dressed and ready when our manager popped his head in and said we had half an hour so for the rest I tried to go out and find where my family were. The security people let me, thank god, but I was followed by one of them just in case anything happened.

"Is it alright to go up a second?" I asked and pointed to the stage which the man nodded at, "thanks, I'll be back in just a second" I said and hopped up the stairs. The crew were still rushing around to get the very last things set up so I had to dodge a lot of people to get to the front of the stage and the blackout curtain.

I pulled it back the tiniest bit and saw almost a full house of people waiting but didn't recognise any of them until I shifted round and saw, right in the front row, my wife and my little boy. Robert must've noticed me because he started pointing my way and talking to Ron then tried to wiggle out of her arms but a lady is always stronger than a two-year-old.

He waved at me with a toothy grin on his face then tapped Ron who did a little wave as well, 'aren't they precious' I thought and smiled at the both of them. I waved back at my little boy and his grin only widened as he waved more, "I got to go now" I said but over-exaggerated the words so Ron could tell him.

I saw her tell him and he gave me one last wave then turned back to his mum, "thanks love, see you" I said and she gave me a little smile. I slowly shut the curtain and dashed off the stage to the security man who led me back to the dressing room where the rowdy bunch could only get rowdier.

The three were still messing about but the noise level had gone up incredibly, so much that I couldn't hear anyone moving about and got the fright of my life when a hand rested on my shoulder. "Where'd you get off to?" A raspy voice asked and I turned to see Roger behind me.

"Just went to see the old ball and chain and offspring" I said and he started laughing, "god, I've never heard someone say that" he chuckled and I felt my face heating up with a blush, "oh, stop it! It's nice that you've made up. And I think you'd better start warming up, we've got like 10 minutes" he said and gave me a pat on the shoulder before prancing over to the other two.

I stayed back in the corner and made sure to have the little box of plasters close by in case I spotted a cut then got to warming up my hands. I clicked all my fingers and knuckles one by one and did what I called 'finger lifting'. I put a pencil on my finger and made sure it was steady then curled my finger around it like you would a weight and your arm.

I know it sounds weird but it helps with the shakes and coordination.

The manager popped in and told me to be ready for two minutes time so I put the pencil away and went to join the rest of the band who were now just outside the door. I saw they'd all stuck to the normal costumes, Roger in black trousers and no shirt, Brian in tight black trousers and a little suit jacket and Freddie in his one piece with a new addition to the outfit.

"I can't fucking see through this! Can we cut it a bit 'cause I tell you, I'm going to slip on something with this damn thing" Freddie said and waved about a little white eye mask as I could see the manager stressing in the back, "if I fall then it's all your fault...even you, John!" He shouted and I made a fake offended face.

"Me? I only just got here!" I joked and Freddie started laughing, "no, don't you worry about me. If I slip then I slip but I'm trusting Brian to catch me, no way am I letting the audience touch me unless they are the most beautiful people I've seen" he joked then his eyes lit up.

Those three little words (a Maylor fanfiction) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora