Part 60

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Freddie's POV
I rushed up all the stairs with the little gift bag over my shoulder, I was pretty damn excited to see my friends for the first time after Roger's recovery from whatever the fuck happened like four days ago. I found the ward and remembered the room so just went up to it and knocked confidently, doing my signature triple knock then a double so the boys would know it's me.

There was a bit of fuss from inside the room before I opened the door and poked my head around, "Hello boys! How are you Bri- BRIAN?!" I gasped as I saw Roger sat in the seat next to the bed and someone who looked very much like Brian on the bed, "what happened?!" I shouted and rushed over to the blonde who just looked up at me and didn't say anything.

"Is he okay? Why's he got that? Jesus, how much did you two do!" I rambled but Roger pulled me into a hug, burying my face in his chest, and there was a little noise from one of them, "Roger...seriously, what's going on?" I asked, pulling myself out of his vice-like grip, and he just stared at me again.

I looked over at Brian who I think was asleep but I wasn't sure, "god, I'm so sorry Rog. I brought this for you as something to say 'congrats, you're out of this hell-hole' but I guess it's not really going to mean much now" I said and put the bag in front of him.

He opened it and saw the little box I had the present inside and just broke down, his head in his hands and shaking uncontrollably, "Fred...we're so sorry, this was so sweet of you. He's absolutely fine, I promise, but I wanted to have a little joke and...yeah, you can open your eyes now Bri" he said and wiped a tear from his cheek.

I gasped a little as Brian actually opened his eyes and rolled over to face us, "sorry Fred...this is nice though so don't ask me to get it off" he smiled and I laughed a little, relieved that he was alright. "I should've known you two would do something and don't apologise, it's nice that you're both in good spirits" I said and the both of them smiled at me.

"So...what's this present you got him?" Brian asked and Roger immediately dived into the bag and brought out the box, "a lovely cardboard box, cheers Fred!" He joked and started picking at the tape I used to seal it. He pulled it all off and brought out my two small gifts.

Both of them gasped when he brought out two tickets, "Star Wars? How the hell did you get these! Brian! We're going to see it!" Roger squealed and flapped the tickets in front of Brian's face as he bounced in his seat with joy, "I swear every showing has been absolutely packed, how in hell did you get them?!" Brian asked and I tapped my nose, "I might've done a bit of bribing" I said and the two of them raised an eyebrow at me, saying 'you really bribed a cinema to let us in?'

"Anyway, enough about that, have a look at the other thing" I said and Roger gave me a little smile as he dug into the bag again. He looked inside and froze suddenly when he saw what was inside, "wow...thank you" he grinned and pulled out a packet, "they've even got my name on them...thank you so much Fred, this is lovely" he showed Brian a packet of drumsticks that I had gotten Roger's name engraved on.

"Aw Freddie that's so lovely, now where's my give him sticks and he's gonna be smacking everything with them" Brian joked and Roger scoffed, "I don't hit you hard! It's only a tap" he said and Brian laughed. "Yeah...a tap, of course" he said and I grinned at the both of them, they were such a sassy couple and I loved it.

Roger kept gawking over the two little presents as Brian shifted on the bed and patted the side and Roger's shoulder, "let Fred have the seat, come on up here" he whispered, the whisper sounding more like a hiss to me because of the mask, and Roger did as he asked and sat up the bed before he got in and let me have the chair.

I watched as the two stared at each other for a second then looked at me, "I don't really know what to say now, um...Ah! How's Mary doing?" Roger smiled and I nodded. "She's good, when I came home after seeing you, though, I got a lot of mouth from her for leaving so quickly" I said and the two cooed.

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