Part 9

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Roger's POV
I couldn't help my mouth from gaping open at his words. Brian May. Brian fucking May likes me! I was speechless. In a stupid game I made up to guess his crush, he actually admitted that he liked me...


"I-uh-wow... I wasn't expecting that I'm sorry." I stuttered when I saw his face slowly turning to worry, "now you have to guess my crush, Bri..." I sat up in my seat and looked at the guitarist through the glass. He was pulling at the ends of his hair with nerves and his eyes would dart from me to something else then back.

"I dunno... I'm guessing not the other two..." he said and I shook my head as a no. "Okay, tell me two things about them... I might be able to guess..." he said and I smiled.
", they love something special and won't let anyone touch it unless they promise not to hurt it...and two, they called me short a few minutes ago..."

I was a lot more confident than I had expected and I could only widen my grin when his eyes widened a little, "I don't know... tell me!" He joked and grinned back at me, "no, hang on... do they look like a poodle in your books?"
I laughed and put up my finger to him, telling him to wait there. I stood up and slowly went over to the door, opening it and sticking my head round the corner.

"What're you doing?" Brian said, a little nervously now. I didn't speak, instead I slowly went over to him and stood in front of him. "Exactly like a poodle, Bri." I said and he smiled again, his blush very obvious.

He looked over my face for a little while and his eyes seemed to rest on my lips for a few seconds, "may I?" I asked and he smiled a little as I stood up on tiptoes. I cupped his cheek in my hand and gave him a quick peck on the other, looking him straight in the eye when I pulled back.

His head quickly shot over to the window and I turned to see what he was looking at. There... just behind the glass... were Fred and John, both of them grinning from ear to ear. "Oh my god..." Brian said, hiding his face in his hands, "am I red?" He pulled one hand away and I smiled, "not at all..." I laughed and felt my blush get stronger.

Brian laughed a little bit kept his face in one hand, fiddling about with the little box behind him. He turned up the volume so he was almost deafened and I could hear, "That was adorable, you two!" I heard Freddie squeal and Brian looked at me, smiling. "Aren't you gonna kiss him back, Bri?" He said and Brian took his hand away from his face. He pulled me a little closer and kissed the top of my head, ruffling my hair afterwards as another squeal came from Freddie.

"Now the happy couple are blushing like mad," Freddie started, "can you actually get round to that guitar part?" The guitarist nodded and looked down at me, "can he stay here?" Fred nodded, smiling, as I found a place in the middle of the room and sat down.

I crossed my legs underneath me and leant my elbows on my knees to prop my head up, the tower of a man following my every move with his eyes. I smiled up at him and he blushed, a small smile forming on those lips of his and his eyes staying connected with mine.

His eyes flicked away and he turned around, fiddling with the little box again, "alright...just start it up and I'll go..." he said as if he was talking to himself, looking at the floor as he spoke. There was a little click then Brian's fingers started to work their way up and down the fret board, making loud wails and screams of his guitar echo around the room.

He finished with making the instrument scream as he shook his curls, lunging forwards a little. "Was it?" He said sarcastically, probably talking to Fred, "so no, oh Brian! That was brilliant!" He did an impression of the singer and I couldn't help but laugh. "I gotta hear this..." I said to myself and crawled over to Fred's piano.

I knew that whenever one of us did an impression of Fred, he would either laugh it off or get super sassy on us. Mostly the second one to be honest...

I leaned my chest against the bench and swiped the headphones from the keys, putting them on and pulling the cord so I could move my head without them falling off.

"Brian, dear, I'm trying to help you... that was good but it wasn't like god level playing, when that happens then you sure know it!" Freddie said, "and don't do that impression of me! I don't sound like that! Plus, you're doing it all wrong... your arms are down here, they don't do anything! I mean, swing them about a bit at least... gah, what friend of... how many years now?"
"Oh, um, seven-ish years..." John piped up and Freddie hummed, "oh yeah..."

Brian was being super sassy back, crossing his arms over his chest and flicking his curls out of his face, "how in hell am I supposed to know that, eh? You do anything you like and I can't predict you, Bulsara." Freddie laughed, "ah dear, anyways let's get on with this... can you get Roger for me Bri?"

"I'm afraid he's already here..." Brian said and Freddie tried to look over and see me but failed. I stood up and shuffled a little closer to Brian, tugging the cord behind me whenever it would get caught on something. "I'm not gonna lie, Fred, but he does do a mean impression of you..." I said, snuggling into Brian a little.

I was still super happy from the little peck I gave him earlier and I just kept getting more and more joyful. I was snuggled into Bri after he put away his guitar and he had his arm around me, pulling me closer to his chest. I knew those long arms were good for something...

Fred pranced into the room, standing beside Brian to not break up our little moment, and got out a little sheet of words. "You can go if you like, Bri..." he said and Brian shook his head. "Nah, I'll stay here. I like it here..." he said and I felt a little blush come on.

Brian stood back to give me and Fred room to move about if we needed but one thing he'd never done happened. He looked me dead in the eye and brushed his hand over the back of mine before taking it and intertwining our fingers. I lifted up our hands and looked at them, giggling, and gave the back of his hand a kiss.

"You ready?" Freddie asked and I nodded, reading through the words. "Really Fred? You choose now to make me sing shit like this?" I asked and saw Brian blush. Freddie made a fake offended face, "yes dear, it's clear as day that you want this... so yes, I did choose now to make you sing that..."

I sighed and tried to get on with it as quickly as I could but my head kept wandering to other places. Other... less appropriate for work places... I couldn't think straight with Bri stood right behind me but I had to get this done. "You ready?" John's voice echoed in my ears and I nodded as he played what we had so far.

To say the least, it was very hard to not get a hard on when the man you've had a crush on for six years just admits his like for you then your friend makes you say shit like 'get down, make love'. I mean, it's just embarrassing with him right there but I got over that pretty quickly. Even though that was all I had wanted for the last six years...

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