Part 44

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Brian's POV
"What?! Why not?" Roger asked and I pointed to a man staring the two of us down and he gasped a little. "Oh my no no! How the fuck did he get here!?" He mumbled wide-eyed as the both of us now stared at the man who haunted my dreams.


Yep, that douchebag managed to yet again ruin everything...

"Can we go home? Please..." I whispered and Roger nodded, "yeah...the quicker we go the better for both of us" he said and led me by the hand back to his car. We got in and drove to the nearest bar so we could at least have a drink to the new year and maybe watch some fireworks from the window.

"Okay, my love, we're here!" Roger smiled and got out of the car as I did the same then the both of us headed into a little pub and bar to grab some drinks for the few hours until midnight. "I'll have two pints of your best beer, please" he smiled at the bartender who started making up the two glasses of alcohol.

He paid him and took the two drinks over to a table so we could just sit and chat for a while before the clock struck twelve. "I-um-I'm sorry about just then...I don't know how he got out of prison so quickly!" He looked at me with an apologetic face and a little smile came over my lips, "it's fine, long as he didn't touch you then it's absolutely fine" I lied and he just nodded.

It wasn't fine. It certainly wasn't fine. I knew that man too well to know that now he knows we're in the area, he's gonna try and do something and I'm not going to be able to get away as easy. I just had to wait and see what it was he did.

"So, what's been the best bit of this year?" He asked, taking a sip of his beer, and I hummed a little, "Uhh, getting a lovely boyfriend" I smiled and pinched his cheek lightly and left a blush, "What was your favourite bit?" I asked and he looked at me with a smirk.

"Well, I have three; getting my fucking hair cut, that was good. Two; we finished that album and it's actually doing really well, I'm properly proud of it mind...and three; I had a lovely boyfriend to experience all of that with" he smiled and I felt my face heat up as he spoke, "am I embarrassing you, lovie?" He said and I shook my head.

"Not at all, you're actually making me feel very nice inside" I smirked and he almost choked on his beer, "Brian! Not now!" He hissed and I laughed as he tried to play it cool by taking another swig of his drink.

"Oh, watch out Bri. There's a girl near the door with our shirt...take your jumper off" Roger whispered and I quickly pulled the garment off and laid it across my lap under the table as he did the same and took his aviator sunglasses out of the neck of his shirt.

"Do I or don't I?" He asked, holding up the glasses, and I nodded, " might help them to not notice you" I said and he giggled a little. "Like your mountain of hair isn't gonna get us noticed..." he smiled and opened up the glasses then slipped them on without even thinking about it.

As soon as he put them on, a load of squeals cane from the other side of the bar and Roger visibly tensed up, "didn't help...they're looking at us" he said but barely let his lips move, "do not turn around, I don't want screams. Just keep drinking" he said and I took a swig of my beer, not breaking my stare on him.

I saw his eyes flicking about the room behind the dark glasses then they settled on me and a small smile formed on his lips, "they're not coming over yet... thank god. What time is it? Oh...just gone eleven, only an hour until the new year" he looked at me and I smiled lightly.

"I really hope they don't come over. That would dampen the mood" I said and he nodded slightly, obviously not really listening but watching the girls without them noticing. And just as that statement left my mouth, what do you think happened?!

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