Part 7

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Freddie's POV
I rolled over and almost fell off the bed. I was still in the clothes from last night and my head was pounding, "Jesus Christ, fuck off sun!" I shouted as light flooded the room and cover my eyes with my arm. To put it simply, I felt like shit.

After rolling over god knows how many times in an attempt to get comfortable, I left it and just got up to get something. I went out into the kitchen and found a slip of paper, I picked it up and it had scrawlings all over it, "did I do this when I was drunk? I bet I did..." I said to myself and tried to make out what the note said.

"Dear hungover Fred. Ooh, that bit was easy, right what does this say? Umm, to me, remind yourslef about Rog. Go over to his and ass him, wait... I wrote ass him not ask him!" I burst into giggles and kept reading, "Ass him about Brian. Cheers, from drunk Fred" I couldn't believe I'd written that, "I don't remember writing this!" I burst out laughing again and put the note back on the worktop.

I carried on with what I was going to do before drunk me interrupted. I got a plate from the cabinet and put it next to the note then got some bread and held it over the hobs on the oven until it was a brown-ish colour. "I am going to hate myself for this but I don't want to be throwing up all over Roger" I said to myself and took a bite of the toast.

It was always horrible eating the morning after I drank a lot but it soaked up all the shit still left in me so I couldn't really chunk it back up. I ate the whole piece and looked down at my stomach, "I don't want to see that twice, okay... what goes down will stay down." I patted my stomach and smiled to myself, "right, I'm sure Roger's up by now with his head down the pan so I better get movin'" I said and went back into my bedroom.

I shifted through all the clothes in the wardrobe, "there's nothing to wear! Ugh, I'll just go with these..." I picked out some blue jeans and a flowery shirt to wear. I peeled off the clothes from last night and threw them on the bed in a heap, "what've I got left..." I said to myself and went over to the little dresser in the corner of the room. I picked up two spray bottles of cologne, One was half full and the other almost empty,

"I can see which one I like best" I said and took the one that was almost out, spraying it up in the air and letting it come down over my head in a mist. I grabbed a jacket and my keys and trundled out the door, slinging the jacket over my shoulder and keeping it there.

I walked in the direction of Roger's house and thankfully I didn't get stopped by anyone. It wasn't that I hated getting stopped but I looked like a mess and I'm sure that wouldn't please very many people. I rounded the corner to the tall apartment block and went up the stairs, pushing a bell at the door.

There was a buzz back and the door unlocked, I pushed it open and headed up the stairs to the second floor. I didn't have to crawl up the stairs this time because the drink and the drugs had truly gone, I was just a bit giggly and had a really bad head.

I reached Roger's door and gave it a knock, calling out at the same time, "open up, dear, it's only me!" when I saw his shadow under the door. I heard a sigh and the door swung open to reveal Roger, still in his clothes from last night, with messy hair and bloodshot eyes, "what happened to you?" I asked and he stared at me, "can I come in?" He stepped aside and let me in.

He shut the door behind me and led me into the tiny living room, sitting down on the couch. "Alright there?" He said as I plopped down next to him, he was still slurring his words a little bit but he was trollied yesterday so that was expected. "Yeah... I wanted to have a little chat." I said and he smiled a little, "about what?" I started twiddling my fingers.

"Umm. What do you remember of last night?" I asked and his face screwed up in thought, "I had a few drinks... you gave me this..." he pulled out the pouch I gave him yesterday and I took it, "then I was dancing with Brian... and that's all I remember..." he did a little half-smile. I questioned him further, dropping a little hint, "you don't remember going home or anything you said to Brian?"

He went a little pale, "no... what did I do now!?" He flopped back on the couch and put his face in his hands. "You, um... you said something to Brian about him being a good boyfriend..." I said and his hands dropped, shaking. "You're lying! No! I didn't say that! Oh my god...I can't believe I did that!" He stared at the floor and his hands were shaking like crazy.

"I, um, after you said that... I was wondering." I couldn't finish the sentence, I didn't want him blowing up, he was already too emotional. "You were wondering what?" He pressed and I had to finish, "do you like, like Brian?"

He looked up at me and there was panic written all over his face, "I, uh, I don't know what you're on about..." he was trying to stall answering the question. "You do, Roger. Please, just tell me... I'm not gonna judge I promise. I don't care wether you're as straight as a ruler or bent in half, I'm not going to change and you're not going to change... please Roger." I begged and he sighed.

His hands were shaking even more now and he stared at the floor, "I. I-" He was cut off by the phone's loud rings echoing around the flat. "Sorry..." He said and stood up, going out to the phone. 'I was one word, one fucking word away from knowing. Whoever that is better have something important' I thought and heard the blonde talking out in the hallway.

"Yeah, I'm so sorry Bri... I didn't know what I was doing... okay, yeah, he's here. Um, see you tomorrow mate... okay, bye bye." He said before putting down the phone. "God, Taylor, you've really gone and done it now!" He said quietly and came back in, obviously flustered. "Who was that?" I asked and he faked a laugh, "who d'you think? Brian... wanting to know what last night was all about..." he said and his hands scraped through his hair.

"Anyway... You were saying before about Brian. Do you like him?" I asked again and he blushed slightly. He thought for a few seconds, leaning forwards so his elbows were on his knees, "I-I think... I think I do..." he said and I squealed in delight, "oh, Roger! Wow... wow! You really... like him!" I brought him into a huge hug and he wrapped his arms around me as well.

"I do... I do really like him!" He squeaked and I rubbed his back, grinning like an idiot. "But how do I tell him?" He pulled away and was smiling a little. "So now I'm love advice, hmm?" I joked and he giggled, "nah, leave that to me, Rog. I'll sort something out for you. But you need to talk to him and tell him yourself..." I said firmly and his smile dropped a fraction. "Okay... I think I can tell him, thank you love advisor!" He laughed and gave me a hug.

"Right. Just to get this straight, would you like to just come out with it and tell him whilst we're there or do you want me to kind of get you two alone so you can tell him?" I asked, just to get it straight. I mean, if he didn't want John knowing yet then that's fine, I needed to know how to plan things. "Um, could it just be us two? If something happens then it's my problem and not either yours or John's." He said and I nodded.

"I'm sorry, I look like the bloody Cheshire Cat! It's like a huge weight has lifted," Roger said, swinging his arms about, "and it feels so nice..." I smiled then stood up, "well then, I'd best get going and leave you in peace. If you need me, call me." He nodded and led me out, giving me another hug at the door. "Bye Fred...see you tomorrow!" He called as I walked down the hallway to the stairs. I waved back and smiled, "bye bye dear! Go clean yourself up..." I said as I started down the stairs.

I started talking to myself as I walked home, "Wow...Roger and Brian as a little couple. Now that I can imagine..."

Those three little words (a Maylor fanfiction) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora