Part 91

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(The next day)
Brian's POV
I carried Roger's letter in my hands as both of us walked into the clinic and Roger checked himself in, "go get a seat, I'll be over in a minute" he said and I found two seats away from people and put my coat on one as I sat on the other.

He came over after a little while with his coat on his arm and a white band on his wrist, "oh boy, I didn't miss this" he mumbled and looked down at it as he sat down and leaned into me, "you're allowed to come in by the way but you have to tell the doctor how long you'll be staying" he said and I nodded a little.

"I'll be staying with you the whole time, don't worry" I said and ran my hand through his hair as I read what was printed on his wristband.

Roger Meddows-Taylor, 29

"If you get bored then you can go, I don't mind...well, I don't think I'll be able to tell you but I'll tell you now that if you get bored then go home" he said and looked up at me as I shook my head.

"I'm not going anywhere, love...I'll stay right by your side and if you need me I'll be there" I said and he nodded a little before a woman came from a corridor across the room and called his name out.

He stood up and went over to her with me following behind and she smiled at both of us before she checked the band on Roger's wrist and led us to a room at the end of a corridor.

"Just in here, the doctor will be in in a moment and, um, can you come with me please?" She looked at me and I nodded as she went back down the corridor and up to the reception desk.

I gave Roger a quick kiss on the lips and hugged him tightly then let him go into the room and followed the nurse down to the reception desk. "Okay, you're with mister Taylor so we should have an identification band for you" she said then reached over the desk and brought over a small white band.

"Alright, this just says who you're with so we know who are visitors and who are patients, I mean, you wouldn't want to have a procedure that one of these people need because of mistaken identity" she said and I shook my head with a little laugh.

"No, that definitely wouldn't be good" I said and she nodded with a smile as she rolled up my sleeve and put the band over my wrist and did it up, "thanks, do I just go in with Roger now or do I have to wait here?" I asked and she shook her head.

"Go and knock on the door and they should let you in, if not just wait outside" she said and I thanked her again then headed down the corridor and stood outside the door. I knocked loudly and the door opened slowly, "um, can I come in?" I asked and the door opened completely.

" are?" The doctor stuck his hand out to me and I shook it with a firm grip, "Brian, sir" I said and he nodded, "Hello Brian. Take a seat, we were just discussing how things had been going so far" he said and I closed the door behind me then sat next to Roger.

He was slumped in the chair with his arms crossed and a pissed off look on his face when I sat next to him but I guessed that was because he was back in a clinic and in one of those draughty hospital gowns again.

The doctor asked Roger a few questions and he answered them bluntly before the doctor stood up, "that sounds great, I'm just going to get the equipment then we can walk you down to the room we have for you" He said then left the room and Roger put his middle finger up towards the door.

"What's wrong with you? You seem so pissy" I said and he rolled his eyes. "One; don't wanna fucking be here. Two; don't wanna fucking talk to him. Three; I'm already planning how to get out of here. And four; I have to walk through that fucking waiting room with god knows what on me and everyone staring at me" he said sharply and looked at me.

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