Part 84

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(The next day)
Brian's POV
John and Fred didn't come to soundcheck so me and Roger had a bit of time to do some jamming whilst the crew carried on setting things up around us. I stayed near him on the little platform so both of us could chat if we wanted whilst we practiced but I think both of us were concentrating too much to talk.

We finished with something that turned out to be quite good and I saw a huge grin on Roger's face when we stopped. "That was decent, I didn't expect that" he smiled and I nodded in agreement before a young man came up to us and tapped me on the shoulder, "uh, there's someone on the phone for you and they say it's urgent" he said quietly and I looked at Roger then followed him off the stage.

I unplugged my guitar and let the cable go as I went down the steps then picked the phone from its dangling position and put it up to my ear, "hello? Who is it?" I asked

"Brian? Is that you dear?" Freddie's voice came through the phone but he seemed panicked for some reason

"Yeah, it's me, what do you want?"

"I have something for you to do...get rid of the guitar because I'm sure you've still got it on you and go to the local paper shop and find...what is it?"

I heard a muffled voice at the back shout "daily mail!"

"That's it, find today's daily mail and take it back to Roger, he'll wanna see as well" Freddie said and I hummed

"Okay, today's daily question, is it bad?"

"Uhh..." I heard some crackling, "you're breaking up, Bri...see you later, bye!" Freddie shouted then slammed the phone down. He just played the old paper crinkling next to the phone trick but by that I'm expecting it to be worse than the world ending.

I put the phone down and skipped back onto the stage and quickly told Roger where I was going as I put my guitar back in the case, "oh god, I hope it's just Fred being dramatic" he said and I hummed, "so do I, love"

I gave him a quick kiss on the forehead then jumped off the stage and got my coat and a hat from the stand before I headed out to the paper shop. I put the baseball cap on my head and brushed back all the curls that had been flattened into my eyes then walked until I hit a Main Street and saw a paper shop on the corner.

I dashed across the road and into the shop and went up to the counter, "hello, uh, do you have the daily mail anywhere?" I asked and the young woman on the other side shook her head, "okay...thanks" I mumbled and went out of the shop, "that's just fucking brilliant, isn't it? Gotta find another one now" I said to myself and carried on looking for paper shops.

— half an hour later —

I finally found one that had the daily mail and picked up one before I headed back to the hall. The front didn't look too bad until I saw four faces I recognised, we were in the paper!

As soon as I got back I whipped off my coat and hat and climbed back onto the stage, "I really don't know why you didn't use the stairs, Bri" Roger giggled and I smiled as both of us sat down and put the newspaper in front of us. I unfolded it and Roger gasped a little when he saw our faces.

"It's us! We're in the papers, Bri, this is brilliant!" He squealed and wrapped his arm around my waist as I put mine around his shoulders, "come on, I can't wait to see what they've written about us...I hope it's something nice for once" he said and I nodded as he pushed his sunglasses further up his nose.

I opened the paper to the double-page article about us and I felt my jaw drop when I saw the photos plastered over the pages with the title. "Oh my god...that's me and-and you and Fred and-who the hell did this?" Roger mumbled and I looked over all of the photos of all four of us in some combination.

Those three little words (a Maylor fanfiction) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon