Part 31

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Brian's POV
I froze. The loud moans of the two filled the room but were soon blocked out by the blood rushing to my head. I wanted to run and cry but all I could do was stand there and watch. It was like my feet were glued to the floor and wouldn't let me move.

The girl was the first to notice me and quickly pushed Roger off the top of her before collecting her clothes, saying something that I couldn't hear through the extreme anger and hurt taking over me at that moment. I hope she was apologising on his behalf because now he'd really gone and done it. She slipped past me once she was fully clothed and shut the door, leaving the two of us alone.

"Brian? Ah! Baby, come here! Roggie wants some action from y-" Roger slurred but I didn't let him finish. I stormed out of the room and slammed the door, hoping to find one of the other two sober enough to help. I rushed down the corridor and heard the man calling after me but I didn't stop to face him, I just ran until I couldn't hear him anymore. Tears ran down my cheeks as I ran and I had to stop to calm myself before I carried on.

I went to find Freddie's room as I knew for sure he didn't manage to pull anyone tonight. I knocked a few times until a "come in" came from behind the door and I pushed it open. He was sat on his bed shirtless and trouser-less but with the bed sheets wrapped around his crotch area.

"Woah! Who got killed?!" He exclaimed after he turned on a lamp and saw my distraught face, "doI have to kill someone for you?" His face softened slightly and I sat on the bed next to him, shaking my head slightly as I tried desperately to hold back tears.

But it didn't work.

I sobbed loudly into my hands and I felt two warm arms wrap themselves around me. "If it's Roger then I'm going to fucking murder him" Freddie hissed and his name only made me sob louder, I couldn't believe he could do that to me...

"Hey, hey...look at me Brian. Look at me" he said softly and I looked up to see his concerned face, "thank you...what has he gone and done now?"

I didn't want to answer. I didn't want this to be real. But I had to tell the man or he'd have a fit about if when he found out.

"He...he cheated..." I choked and Freddie looked at me with the devil in his eyes, "I caught him f-fucking a woman..." I burst into tears again and the singer cooed as he held my face in his hands, wiping each tear away with his thumbs. "I can't believe he could do that!" I shouted, obviously startling the man, "I don't care what he's done... I-I just can't believe he...he's cheated" I sniffled and Freddie made a noise of understanding.

"I know... and it's alright. He'll learn from this, I promise" the singer said with a strange harshness in his tone, "but I need a promise from you...don't you ever go doing that to him, okay?" I nodded and wiped my eyes quickly. "Good. Do you want me to walk you back to your room?" He asked and I nodded again with a little sniffle.

"Okay, that's okay... just, um, shut your eyes for me." He smiled awkwardly and I scrunched my eyes shut as I felt him get off the bed and heard little footsteps move away from me, "keep 'em shut, Bri... I'm very sure you don't want to see this" Freddie chuckled and I purposefully scrunched up my face, making him scoff.

He finally let me open my eyes and saw he had pulled on creased pyjama bottoms, "very fancy!" I joked, desperately trying to forget what had happened not twenty minutes ago, and Freddie smiled.

"Thank you, dear... now come on, you look exhausted" he said and I stood up shakily as he took my arm and started to lead me out the door. "If you want me to, I'll talk to Roger in the morning when he's sober. D'you want me to?" the singer asked and I nodded, "alright, get a good night's sleep and I'll see you in the morning" he smiled as we came to my door.

I flipped the latch and opened the door as Freddie said his goodnights, "g'night Fred. I'll see you tomorrow" I smiled and the man gave me a small one back before heading off down the hallway.

As soon as he was gone, I slammed the door shut and threw myself on the bed, screaming into the pillows as I sobbed again. I didn't know that his cheating would have such an awful effect on me but, by the way I was reacting, it really did.

I laid face-down on the bed for at least an hour until I could pull myself together and try to get a bit of sleep, we had an interview and Freddie's shopping trip in the morning so I had to wake up early. "God... I can't believe him. One minute he's all over me then the next he's on top of a fucking girl!" I shouted at the ceiling as I flipped over but it didn't help.

The image of my boyfriend fucking someone else wouldn't leave me. And I damn well hoped he felt bad in the morning.

I finally fell asleep but it wasn't the content and dreamy sleeps I was used to, no way, it was just a repeat of the night's events. And the noise and the smell and the sight wouldn't leave me. It then went on to the morning, picturing what would happen in many different ways and it was driving me mad. I couldn't wake up and I couldn't change my thoughts, it was only on him.

Okay, this was a sort of filler so the next one should be out pretty soon. See you all then! ❤️ ~ Kate

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