Part 28

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Freddie's POV
The two men stumbled in then quickly claimed a table each for themselves which left me and John with the ones near the door but neither of us were complaining, really. "So... are we getting ready now or should I get the scrabble back out?" Roger asked and I turned to see him sat on the table, swinging his legs like a child.

"Get the scrabble out... I think all of us need to relax a bit" John said and Roger smiled as he dug around in his bag for the tiles, "who's playing?" John asked and two hands shot up, "Good... Fred, you playing? Or are you gonna be all like 'ooh! Mister Mercury could never be seen playing scrabble! That is way too boring for me!'  'Cause if you are you can just sit and watch" he turned to me and did an awful impression which made the other two laugh.

"No!...well, yes. Mister Mercury is way too cool for you losers but just plain old me isn't. I mean, I don't have the nickname Boring Bulsara for nothing!" I joked and I could almost hear them roll their eyes. Score one to Freddie on the awful sayings board!

"Ah, alright then Fred. So boring Bulsara's joining us for scrabble then?" He chuckled and helped Brian drag a table to the middle of the room whilst Roger was trying to put the board on it, "stop moving! It keeps falling off!" He whined, picking it off the floor for the millionth time, and the other two chuckled, "ah,'re silly sometimes but I still-I, um, that's why you're my boyfriend" Brian stuttered and brought Roger in for a one-armed hug.

They managed to get it all set up and in no time all of us were sat around it, deeply involved in the game. "Hey! I have a good one!" Roger chimed and held up three tiles, winking at Brian at the same time, then put them all down one by one.

"Oh my goodness! You dirty lad!" Brian chuckled when he saw what Roger was spelling, "and no...I won't do that with you" the drummer frowned and I looked over the board to see what he played. I scanned the entire board and couldn't find it until John pointed it out for me and I finally saw what he put.

"Oh, wow...just wow. And you two are not having sex anywhere near us, I tell you now" I pointed at the both of them and they burst into laughter as John bit his lip to stop himself from laughing. "Now these silly antics are done, I think it was... your go!" I pointed at John and he nodded shyly as he looked over what tiles he had.

An hour (and quite a few naughty jokes from Roger) later

"All okay in here?" Our costumes manager popped in the door and the four of us nodded as we found what we were wearing. "Good, good...just scream if you need me" He chuckled and waved as he stepped out and shut the door.

"Lemme see what you lot have... I don't want to look out of place!" I smiled and the three held up bits of their costumes. Brian had a white jacket and long matching trousers with suspenders so they wouldn't fall down, Roger held up a pair of black trousers, "is that all you're wearing?" I asked and he hummed, "well, the ladies do like it and, I mean, I have a reputation to keep up"

I nodded in understanding then looked over at John who had a little smile on his face as he held up a tiny waistcoat and white trousers, "very nice, all of you... but lookit this beauty!" I exclaimed and held up my costume.

The three of them stopped in their tracks and stared at the garment, "Are you sure you want to wear that? It might rip, Fred. And there's nothing to cover it up" Brian smiled and I shook my head at him, "oh, no dear, I won't go shaking about just yet. I'll give it time to stretch" I smiled and he rolled his eyes dramatically.

"Ookay... remind me not to look at you if you're facing me" Roger chuckled and I made a fake offended face as he turned away from me, "god, ugh! Nope! No, I pictured it, Jesus Christ!" He cringed and shook everything as Brian smiled at him from the other corner.

Those three little words (a Maylor fanfiction) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt