Part 8

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(The next day)
Brian's POV
"Ah, Brian, there you are!" Freddie greeted me outside the studio doors and put his hand on my back, leading me inside. The other two were already sat inside, John reading a magazine with his feet on a chair and the little blonde babe sprawled out on the couch staring at the ceiling.

Freddie sat down on a chair and I sat on the floor, John had taken my chair, as he passed me some notes that the three of them had made. "Oh! Hello, didn't hear you come in..." John said, looking up from his magazine and smiling widely. "Didn't think so... what's wrong with him?" I asked and pointed at Roger who was still staring at the ceiling.

John put down his magazine and took his feet off the chair, going over to the blonde and leaning over him. He turned to look at us and laughed a little, biting his finger to stop himself from making any noise. "Is he asleep or something?" I said quietly and Fred shrugged, "think so..." he whispered back and we both giggled as John turned back to the blonde.

Suddenly, John shouted at the top of his lungs, "ROGER MEDDOWS TAYLOR! WAKE UP YOU LAZY BOY!" And the drummer shot up, nearly smacking heads with John and looking around. All three of us burst into giggles at the drowsy man as he led back down. "We have work to do, mate, come on." John sounded just like a mother.

Roger groaned and sat up, ruffling his hair with his hand and glaring at Fred who was still giggling. "Now everyone's here and awake, shall we begin?" John asked and a few hums came around the room over Fred's giggles.

The singer finally stopped giggling like a schoolgirl and we went through when we were doing what. Fred already had an idea of what he wanted so we got straight into practicing, "so I have to drag you in there or are you going to use your legs, they're there for a reason, Rog." Fred said when Roger wouldn't stand up.

'He's so cute when he's tired' I thought and smiled to myself, imagining how he looked when I first walked in. He looked so peaceful and relaxed when he slept, very much unlike now when he was a little cranky from being woken up like he was.

"Alright, alright, I'm coming Fred..." Roger groaned and pressed the heels of his hands to his eyes. He stood up after a few seconds and came in with us, squinting in the light. I looked through the glass and saw his sunglasses on the couch so I quickly darted out and grabbed them. "Forgetting something Rog? I dangled them in the air and the blonde rushed over to get them.

I raised my arm higher so he couldn't reach them and he was jumping in the air to try and reach them, "Okay, enough play you giant, I can't bloody see!" He said and crossed his arms, making me smile and finally give them to him. He took them gladly and put them on, his eyes relaxing instantly, "cheers Bri, that's a lot better..."

"Enough flirting you two, me and John are still here..." Freddie said with a smirk and I felt a blush creep up my cheeks. He really knew how to embarrass people, didn't he...

I got my guitar out of its case and flipped the strap over my head as Roger sat down at the drums. "Alright... I wanted it like this..." Fred started playing a little tune on the piano. It sounded a little like how the traditional Japanese songs started, y'know those ones that are very tuneful but simple.

He walked us through what he wanted and we tried it, most of it working out all right but some bits had to be changed. "Got it dears?" Freddie said when we'd gone through it once and Roger piped up, "of course we do...Brian's face says it all!" He howled with laughter and the singer's head whipped to face me.

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