Part 110

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Brian's POV
Roger burst into the room with tears in his eyes and a pale face, "the baby's dead. I-I think he's dead...the-the nurse was carrying him and there were all these doctors and-oh fuck!" He said then burst into tears and collapsed onto the floor in a sobbing heap.

I was frozen. I didn't know if he was right or not and, being honest, I didn't really want to find out.

I slid off the chair and knelt down next to him then put my arms around him and held him close to my chest, "he's dead. Our little boy's dead..." he whimpered and I felt a tear run down my cheek, "he wasn't crying or anything" he said then looked up at me.

Our eyes connected for a second before he burst into tears again and buried his head into my shoulder, "he's...he's dead? This can't be can't be, he was fine" I said to myself then looked up as the door creaked open and the nurse looked in on us.

"Oh goodness" she mumbled then knelt down behind Roger and pulled him gently away from me. He turned to her and she gave a sympathetic smile as he wiped his eyes, "you saw the baby, I'm guessing" she said and he nodded with a little squeak, "well, there's good news about him" she said and I felt a hand slip into mine.

"The baby's absolutely fine...we had to take him to get some of the fluid out of his throat so he could breathe properly. That's why he wasn't crying, sweetie" she said and I saw Roger's sad eyes light up a little when he turned to me, "so we've just got him in an incubator to keep him safe but if you want to come down and see him then you can" the nurse said then stood up and held the door.

I got up and helped Roger off the floor then wiped a tear from his cheek and supported him as we both went out the door and followed the nurse down the corridor. "Don't be scared to touch him, by the way, he's perfectly okay" she said and I heard Roger sigh as he smiled.

She led us into a small room with a few incubators in then pointed at one that had the light on inside, "there's yours, I'll give you a few minutes alone with him" she said and both of us squeaked a 'thank you' before we headed over to the incubator.

I knelt down next to it and saw my son through the little hole in the side, "he's beautiful..." I whispered and put my hand through the hole to where his tiny hand was and gave it a little stroke until it opened up and held my finger, "hi there, little man...gosh, I love you already" I said and Roger knelt down next to me and gasped.

"God, this is amazing" he gasped and smiled as the baby stirred then slowly opened his eyes. "You have eyes just like your Papa" I cooed and he stared at me then opened his mouth and let out a squeak, "and you have a voice just like me" I said and both me and Roger laughed before I wriggled my finger out of his tiny grasp then stroked his cheek.

I saw that he had a little cannula up his nose so that he could breathe properly then looked at Roger, "like father, like son" I said and he smiled as he tickled the baby's foot and cooed when he squirmed and stretched his legs out. "It's warm in there, isn't it bud?" He said then put his hand through the other little hole and had the baby hold his finger, "yeah, you're nice and warm"

The nurse came back in and quietly came over to us then crouched down, "would you like to hold him?" She asked and I nodded nervously and took my hand out as she unclipped the side and pulled the top off then stood up. I helped Roger up then stood up myself as the nurse gently picked the baby up.

"You'll want to support his head and his bum so when I give him to you, get those hands in the right places. Oh, and don't worry if he squirms, he won't fall but he might be a bit annoying" she said and laughed a little before she held the baby out to me and I cradled him in my arms, making sure to hold where the nurse said.

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