Part 4

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Freddie's POV
The two men stayed hugging for a while before they decided it was a little awkward, "I'd, um, I'd better get that over and done with then... you can go outside if you like" Brian said and the blonde nodded.

"Yeah... think I will. Sorry about this, I've slowed down everything, but that sounded amazing Bri." Roger said and stood up before walking out of the room and out the back door to get some fresh air.

"Need a hand up?" I put out my hand and the guitarist took it, hauling himself up, but looked longingly at the door, "you really like him, don't you?" I asked and he looked at me with a hint of panic in his eyes.

I could tell that he didn't want to tell me but I wanted to know for sure, "come on Bri, you can tell me and I promise I won't tell anyone... well, I'll tell him." I pointed at John through the window and he smiled up at us.

"Fine..." Brian started and looked at his feet, "I... I do... I do like him... but I don't know if he likes me back..." He twiddled his thumbs and waited for a reaction. I let him think for a few seconds and start to worry, "Brian. Look at me." I said firmly and he obeyed, again the panic was there in his face until I threw my arms in the air and pulled him into a hug.

He seemed to stumble backwards when I threw myself at him but hugged me back tightly, putting his forehead on my shoulder, when I stayed there. "Thank you... now, let's get this done with them we can have a little chat, eh?" He nodded and I patted his back.

I left him in the middle of the room and shut the door once I was outside, going over to my chair and sitting back down. "And that was what?" John asked, scribbling something down on paper, " I have juicy secrets, Deaks."

He looked up with a grin and I put my finger up to stop him from saying anything, "but... you have to ask him if I'm allowed to tell you." I pointed at the tower of a man behind the window and John's grin got a little smaller.

He pressed down a button on the huge desk and whistled to get Brian's attention, who looked up and smiled whilst he placed his headphones over his curls. "Yes?" He said and John smiled at him, "you don't mind Fred telling me whatever you said then, do you?"

I was expecting him to say no and let me tell the bassist but he shook his head, "I want to tell him, Fred. If that's alright..." I gestured for him to carry on and he did...

"well, just then the little one was having a moment, if you know what I mean, and randomly started crying. That's why I had to stop... and I went down with him and he was properly crying. I kinda hugged him and he hugged me back and then he came in," he pointed at me, "looking like the Cheshire Cat and Rog was still crying. Then he twigged it and asked Rog to go outside, like now, and had this conversation with me."

John was smiling as Brian told his story and was listening very intently to what he had to say, "and he asked me if I liked Rog... and I said yes..." Brian carried on and John's jaw dropped. Brian wasn't looking at us anymore, he was staring at the floor like when he told me. "So you're..." John started
"Yes, John, I'm... I'm gay..."

Those words echoed around in my head, I never would've expected for him of all of us to come out as gay... I thought it would've been me to do it first but I guess he beat me to it!

What I didn't know was that John wasn't actually surprised that Brian like Rog but something else had happened... "You're what?" Another voice that wasn't mine or John's spoke out.

Brian's eyes shot up to us and I saw our reflection in the glass. There were three of us...

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