Part 72

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Brian's POV
It seemed like he was choking on something as he tried to breathe and there was really nothing I could do except for try to calm him down. "Hey, hey, it's it tight or does it hurt?" I cooed and he rubbed his chest, telling me it hurt.

"Okay, just breathe for me. Have deep breaths if you can and I'll get you a painkiller" I said and he made a little squeaking noise in reply as I rummaged in my bag. I brought out a small packet of painkillers and handed him the bottle of water I bought but he just stared at them both blankly.

I popped one pill out of the packet and kept it in my hand as I undid the lid on the water bottle, "you won't choke on it if that's what you're worried about, I'll make sure you won't...see, I'll split it in half for you if you like" I said and he watched as I split the pill in half and put one half in his hand.

He pulled the mask off then put the half in his mouth and grabbed for the water to wash it down with, "see, it's not bad if you only have half" I said and he nodded as I handed him the other half. He put that in his mouth and sipped the water again then his hand flew over his mouth as he started coughing and choking on the little tablet.

I patted his back roughly and gave him little sips of water until he stopped coughing and flopped back in the chair, absolutely exhausted. "I don't wanna go out tonight" he mumbled, "I just wanna sleep and let this kindly fuck off..." he looked over at me and I could see he wanted me to try and comfort him but I really didn't know what to say.

"I-um...I'm sure you'll be okay when we get there, how about we go and get a bit of fresh air? It might help a bit" I suggested and his eyes lit up a little. "I'd love, can I just have a minute? I gotta just...whew, who knew coughing could take so much out of you!" He said and I smiled a little.

"Yeah...I'll just put this back" I mumbled and grabbed the little mask from his lap and told him to put his head forwards. He was very cooperative and put his head away from the seat so I could get the band over the back of his head then put it back as I rested the mask on his face.

"It's so much better with might think I'm being too reliant on it but I-I just need it at the moment" he mumbled then rolled his head on the seat to look at me, "thanks for the painkiller, it's kinda helped now" he said and a small smile formed on his face as I gently patted his thigh.

"Ohh, don't do that...I really need to sort something out later and I think I'll need your help" he said and I quickly pulled my hand away, "would you be up for it tonight?" He asked and I nodded, already feeling myself blush, "tonight would be brilliant as long as tomorrow we get you checked out, this really can't be healthy" I said and he nodded.

"Fine by me. As long as you're comfortable with it then it'll be brilliant, I'm sure" he smiled and held my hand as we saw a few people start to get back onto the bus at the front, including a (still) very embarrassed Freddie.

Soon everyone was back on the bus and Roger had found a comfortable place with his head on my shoulder and his arms wrapped around mine. He mumbled something about being tired so I just let him rest and sleep if he needed but made sure that he wasn't crushing his chest into me before he started to get sleepy. much for getting a bit of fresh air.

I ran a hand through his hair to sort of remind him that I was still there and he started to lovingly nuzzle his cheek into my arm, "get some shuteye, love...I'll wake you up when we're there" I said and he hummed then put his head back on my shoulder and closed his eyes, "that's good, see you when you wake up" I said and saw a little smile on his face before it completely relaxed.

The engine started and everyone started cheering and clapping when someone shouted, "only two hours to go now, boys!" and a scarf was thrown in the air in the midst of the celebration. I stayed quiet but heard John clapping in front of me and smiled at him when he looked through the gap in the seats.

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