Part 40

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Roger's POV
Boxing Day, literally. The day after Brian asked me to move in with him, I was packing my stuff to move it all. My lovely boyfriend was coming over later to help me get some of my stuff out but for now I just had to box everything up.

I looked over all the little trinkets and treasures that I'd collected and remembered when I got them, some being on holidays and some being things that my parents gave me for luck before I moved to London. It got awfully emotional as I looked at all the items but I managed to keep it together and get them safely into a padded box.

I taped the box up then just sat and looked at all the stuff I had yet to pack. I had bunched everything in the house into one room to make it easier but it just looked like I had a load more to pack than if I kept it spread.

I noticed just how quiet it was in the house so I decided to put some music on to fill the awful silence of the house. I went over to a little tape and cassette player on the floor and dragged it over to the middle of the room so I wouldn't have to move to change over tapes or anything then just pressed play for whatever was in there already.

A melodic intro started playing and I cranked the volume right up so it completely killed the silence but I heard some shouting from outside and turned it off. I looked out the window and saw my neighbour leaning out of theirs with a very angry expression, "can you be quiet?! We're trying to sleep!" She shouted and I shouted back an apology.

"Jeez, people don't appreciate good music" I grumbled and found my box of gadgets so I could deal with the noise problem. I rummaged around the box until I found my best set of headphones and plugged them in, "That should deaden the sound and deafen me...excellent" I smiled and stuck them on.

I jiggled them about to get comfortable then pressed the play button so the music blasted in my ears, blocking out absolutely everything else. I hummed along as I carried on packing everything into the boxes and didn't stop for quite a few hours, only needing to change the tape once.

"God, I need food..." I mumbled but put it off until I finished packing the box of clothes and had it all taped up and secured. I looked at my watch and saw the time 3:28, "Brian should be here by now...wonder why he hasn't called yet" I said and shrugged to myself, "oh well, he might be getting his place ready"

I counted all the boxes and got six and three spare ones, "Ooh, yeah...definitely time for a quick snack break" I smiled, proud of my work, and took off my headphones and placed them on the floor. I trundled down the stairs and found a bit of cheese and a bagel for a sandwich.

There was a bit of banging on the door so I went and opened it to see a very flustered Brian standing in the doorway, "what the hell took you so long!?" He pulled at his hair and I gave him a confused look, "I've been out here for ten minutes! What were you doing?" He asked, a little calmer, and I realised why I never heard him.

"Oh! I got noise complaint from next door so I kinda sorted it out...just come on up, the room should prove it" I smiled and he stepped inside then followed me up the stairs. He saw the mass of boxes and my little player in the middle and gasped, "oh my god, you've done so much!" I nodded proudly as I got back into the middle and unfolded another box for more stuff.

"There's not much stuff left so it shouldn't take long" I smiled and he nodded as he moved a few of the boxes out of the room and onto the landing. He knelt down next to me and handed me the things from the little piles I'd made earlier, giving me a little peck once in a while to keep me going.

I had forgotten completely about my bagel until Brian started talking about food and I remembered, "oh! I had something, a-um-a cheese bagel if you want it" I smiled and he nodded slightly as I ran out of the room to fetch it.

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