Part 86

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Brian's POV
I turned to face Roger and he looked over at me with a confused face as Mr Taylor told his wife what was going on. They both looked over at me and I knew I had two yes's to go ahead with what I wanted to do.

I looked Roger in the eye and he stared at me with a confused expression as he held my hands tightly. "What is it? Are you alright?" He asked and I nodded, not being able to speak with the lump in my throat, "come on, Bri, it's only us here...what is it?" He pulled me closer and I gulped to try and get rid of the lump.

"I, uh, I wanna ask you something...and I'm sorry if I stop or something but if you can't tell by how much my hands are freaking shaking, it's making me a bit nervous" I said and Roger nodded a little and smiled as he wiped his hands on his trousers.

"You can whisper it if you want...I won't mind" he said and I shook my head quickly before I cleared my throat and looked him in the eye.

"No, I wanna ask you if...Jesus, how do I say this? Uh, we've said to each other that we want to spend the rest of our lives with each other and with a little one on the way with Chrissie, I think it's time to take the first step" I said and his eyes widened slightly.

"You're not-no! Oh my god" he gasped as I stood him up and held his hands. "Yes I am" I smiled and got down on one knee as I reached into my jacket pocket and brought out a small velvet box.

I looked up at Roger and held one of his hands as I held the box up to him, "go on, open it" I smiled and he let go of my hand to gently prise open the box.

He opened it and I saw a huge grin form on his face as he saw the ring inside, "a Haribo ring? Really Bri" he giggled and I stood up, pretending to be shocked, and looked in the box, "sorry, I might've eaten the ring by accident" I said and cracked a small smile as he took the candy ring out of the box and slipped it onto his finger.

"Fits perfectly" he giggled and pulled it off his finger with his teeth and ate it quickly as I discreetly took the actual ring from his father and put it into the box. I smiled at Roger and kissed his cheek gently as I closed the box and put it in my pocket again.

"Seriously now, I would love to spend the rest of my life with you and to make us completely official" I said and got down on one knee again, "I would like to ask...Roger Meddows-Taylor" I looked up at him and brought the box out of my pocket again then presented it to him.

"Would you make me the happiest man alive and m-" I was cut off by a loud squeal as I opened the box and showed Roger the ring, "hey! At least let me finish!" I giggled and he apologised quietly before I carried on, "like I was saying, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" I asked and he nodded quickly.

I saw tears welling in his eyes as I stood up and hunched over the box to get the ring out, "go on, you take it out" I said and grinned with the slightly evil plan forming in my head. I let him reach for it then snapped the box shut just before he could get his fingers in there and shouted "mousetrap!"

He started giggling and tears streamed down his cheeks at the same time and I really didn't know how to react, "um, I don't know if those are happy tears or not so...could I have a tissue? Sorry" I looked down at Roger's mum and she was way ahead of me, already holding out a tissue for me.

I wiped the tears on Roger's cheeks then dabbed at his eyes as he looked at me and tried to stop sniffling but failed. "Cry if you like, it's okay" I cooed and he nodded a little as I opened the ring box again and pulled the diamond-decorated ring out of it. "I love you so much, Rog...never forget that" I mumbled and he choked out a sob as I slipped the ring onto his left hand and kissed it gently.

"I love you too!" He sobbed and threw his arms around me, pulling me down to his level and crying into my chest. "This is so amazing, thank you, thank you, thank you" he cried then put his hands on my cheeks and looked me in the eyes.

"May I kiss you for the first time as your fiancée?" He sniffled and I nodded before his lips crashed onto mine and he kissed me passionately. He tugged at my bottom lip with his teeth and I poked my tongue at his lips before we pulled apart and he looked down at the ring on his finger with a grin.

"I told you I'd get engaged before you!" He shouted and flapped his hand in front of Clare who was laughing at her silly brother and trying to grab his hand to get a look at the ring. She finally took his hand and put it under her arm so he couldn't move and had a look at the ring, "ooh! Three diamonds, very nice choice Brian" she smiled then smacked Roger across the head, "take care of that, idiot, they're expensive"

She let him go and he rubbed his arm where it had been under his sister's then came over to me and kissed my cheek before he sat on the couch. "I can't stop smiling now, I'm sorry...I probably look like a right idiot" he said and hid his face in his hands.

I pulled his hands away and held them in mine, "it's just us, we're not gonna make fun of you" I said and he looked over at me with a deep pink face and teary eyes as he put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me close until his head was rested on my chest.

"I know you're not..." he said and I saw his mum wipe her eyes as she looked at the both of us, "but I think mum's gonna need tissues in a minute" he giggled and wriggled out of my grip to go over to his mum and give her a hug.

She stood up and took her son in her arms, both of them sniffling quietly, and whispered something into his ear which made him smile before Roger's dad stood up and wrapped his arms around both of them. He talked to them for a second before all three of  them turned to look at me and Roger opened his arms, "come on, you're technically part of the family now" he smiled and waved me in.

I smiled at the three of them then took my fiancée in my arms and felt two unfamiliar hands on my back and looked down to see both of Roger's parents smiling proudly at him. They all got a bit fidgety and soon the hug broke apart but Mr Taylor had a little chat with me.

"Welcome to the family,'d better treat Roger right" he said and shook my hand, "otherwise you'll have me knocking down your door" he looked up at me and kept my hand in his strong grip until I nodded and he let it go.

"I promise you there won't be any need to break my door down, sir" I said and a little smile appeared on his face, "I hope not" he said then sat back on the couch next to his wife and daughter who were still gushing over the ring.

"Brian? Where did you get this?" Roger asked and I tapped the side of my nose, "a magician never reveals his secrets...but you'll see when we get our wedding rings, I'll probably take you to the same place" I said and he smiled a little, "I can't wait"

Nor could I. He couldn't wait to get married, I couldn't wait to have the first fuck as fiancées.

Hey! Shorter chapter this time but hopefully the quality makes up for the quantity. I hope you're all enjoying and I shall see you all soon! ~ Kate

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