Part 15

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John's POV
Freddie left the three of us to finish off Brian's song 'we will rock you'. We had everything there and it sounded fine but I think it just needed something to finish it off. "You think we should put a guitar solo at the end?" Brian asked and I shrugged, "I dunno, it's your song but I'm just saying, like, anything at the end might help it a bit..."

The guitarist nodded and stood up, clearly dropping Roger's hand as he did, to go back in and potter about. Roger scooted his chair up next to me and smiled, "alright?" I smiled back, "not bad... can I ask something?" He turned to face me, "ask away..."

"I don't really know how to phrase this... um, do you like having him as, like, a boyfriend?" I asked and his smile grew a little, "I don't just like it, Deaks, I fucking love it!" As if on cue, Brian's head popped around the corner, "What we on about?"

I couldn't help a little giggle escaping my lips; it was such perfect timing. "What? Did I do something?" Brian asked and I shook my head, letting Roger answer for me, "no, just impeccable timing... um, he asked if you're a good boyfriend..."

"And I'm guessing you said yes?" Brian asked and Roger nodded, "good... I like having you as a boyfriend as well..." he looked at me after I stopped giggling, then bent down, "makes him sound so much cuter as 'boyfriend' d'you know what I mean..." he whispered and grinned. "I do know what you mean... anyway, get your arse back in there... I wanna get out of here..." I said, shoving the tower of a man back through the door.

He shut the door this time behind him so he couldn't hear anything we were saying. "I guess I'm doing something right..." Roger said, a huge grin spread across his face as he watched the tall man through the glass. "I'm not going to lie, you two make quite the adorable couple..." I said, a smile coming over my lips when I saw Roger's eyes twinkle a little. I had to turn away, this was too adorable!

"'re staring, love, are you alright?" Brian's voice came from the speakers and I turned back to see Roger just staring into space. I tapped his shoulder and he jumped, "you were staring..." Brian said and I saw a little blush creep up his cheeks, "sorry... got a bit on my mind..." he said and I nodded.

I knew that Brian didn't really like being on his own in the little booth so I would try to talk to him and give him things to do so he wouldn't feel so isolated. I pressed down the little intercom button on the desk and whistled, trying to get the man's attention, but he didn't look up.

"Let me try..." Roger held down the button and leaned right forwards to the little microphone, "BRIAN!" He shouted and the guitarist looked up. "Get them!" Roger pointed at the little box behind him and he got the hint.

He stopped plucking at the strings on his guitar and moved the lead from his amp to the little box. He looked over and saw my slightly impatient expression and smiled, "I wanna go home as well so don't give me that look... I do things in my own time, John..." he said, placing the headphones over his ears and shaking them until his curls fell just right around them.

"Thank you... and I know you do things in your own time but your time needs to be a bit bloody faster!" I joked and Brian tutted, still fiddling with his hair. "Okay...if we play you the whole thing from the cassette machine then you could have a little play about until you're happy... that alright?" Roger asked and Brian nodded, "Okay, I'll just sit down whilst you do that..."

I stood up and got the tape recorder from the other day. I placed it on the desk and Roger found the button to play back that one song, "alright...shush please..." he played a little bit of the song before then I pressed the button when the one we wanted started to play. All three of us kept quiet whilst the song played through the speakers, Freddie's voice echoing around and the stamps sounding like a whole audience was here doing it with us.

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