Part 70

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John's POV
Roger was being very awkward with me as we walked out to the bus but I put it down to him being tired. I mean, we all were so I couldn't really blame him. But this felt more than just being grouchy, this felt like he was annoyed at me or something and I really had no clue what I'd done.

I didn't press him about it because the last thing you want when you're tired is to be asked a load of questions but I promised myself that I'd get an answer out of him before the end of the day.

I let him get on first and he thanked me quietly before he dashed up the steps to find his seat. "Okay then...he'd usually make a huge scene about getting the good seat. He really must be tired" I thought aloud as I handed my suitcase to the driver to put in the storage space under the bus, "or maybe he's getting over last night...I have to ask him about that as well"

I climbed up the steps and found everyone already had a seat with one left in the middle for me to sit in. "Hey, if you're gonna be behind me, be quiet if you start snogging" I turned around to Brian and Roger who were already snuggled up together and laughed a little.

"Ah, we won't be doing much of that, trust can see right through here so we'll probably just sleep or something. I mean, I'm in the right clothes for it" Brian smiled and pointed down at his legs which he'd now covered with his coat.

"That's alright then, have a good sleep if you manage to, both of you" I said and Brian gave me a genuine smile back where Roger basically bared his teeth at me before he went back to looking out the window.

I sat down in the seat and looked out the window as the driver shut the door and started the engine. "Come on, darlings, you all look half dead! Cheer up!" Freddie shouted from the front and the three of us whined at him.

"I'm still tired, leave me alone!" Roger called and a little grin spread across Freddie's face, "Fine, you can have a nap but the other two need to cheer the fuck up. Oh, and you need to sort out your hair, Bri, you're gonna get birds nesting in it by the time we're at Brussels"

There was a loud groan from behind me and a bit of giggling before Freddie came and sat near us and started teasing Brian, making little chirping noises and even shouting, "look, a chick!" And pointing at Brian's hair. He really was a nutcase but it was lightening the mood for all of us and it was very much needed.

"Shut up, Fred...otherwise I'll rip a hole in your leotard right where your ass is, the girls will love that!" Brian said and I couldn't hold my laughter anymore as Freddie's jaw dropped open. "There we go, now you don't have much to say" Brian said proudly and Freddie pounced over.

"Move Rog, lemme at him!" He shouted between giggles as he led on the drummer and tried to ruffle Brian's hair up but ended up just wiping his hand over his face, "you'll get it for that!" He shouted and I could see Roger trying to shuffle out of his seat so he wasn't getting crushed anymore.

He only managed to slip down in the seat and get stuck under Freddie before he started shouting and trying to push him off the top of him, "Fred! Get off! You're fucking crushing me!" He screeched and Freddie scrambled off of him and gave Brian a dirty glare.

I looked back and saw Roger slumped in his chair and struggling for breath, almost gasping for it as he tried to sit up. " okay?" Brian asked and helped him to sit up straight but the drummer shook his head and pushed himself out of the seat even more as if getting higher will help him breathe.

He looked at me and I could see his eyes were wide behind the dark sunglasses as he started coughing and gasping more between coughs. Freddie's eyes were wide as he looked at something in his pocket then at Brian who was trying to get the armrest down on the seat so he could get Roger out.

Those three little words (a Maylor fanfiction) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora