Part 94

744 36 26

Roger's POV
Bri told the nurse when she came in about what happened earlier and she laughed then cooed when she saw my red face, "I'm sorry, love, but imagining it is quite funny" she said and my blush got even worse, "anyway, shall we get you some breakfast then we can go over the test results with you and hopefully let you go" she said and I nodded a little.

"Thank goodness I brought the menu with me then" she giggled and pulled a piece of paper out of her pocket and handed it to me, "have a look and as soon as you've chosen, I can get Brian to get you out" she said and I nodded then looked at the choice.

I made a little noise to get their attention then pointed at what I wanted and the nurse nodded, "okay, that's fine...what would you like? One for cheese or two for jam" she said and I put up two fingers. Cheese on toast was John's thing and being honest I didn't really like it that much.

The nurse simply smiled and took the paper from me then stopped the machine and told Brian what to do. He nodded as she showed him then went over it again until a smile formed on her face and she gave him a pat on the shoulder, "I'll trust you to do that whilst I get his food but please don't leave him too long, I'm sure he wants to get out alive" she said and I turned my head towards them.

I raised my eyebrows at both of them and they both laughed before the nurse left the room and Brian came over to my side, "alright, she's told me what to do but please don't distract me, I've gotta make sure I've done this right" he said and I nodded a little as he did something with the machine next to me.

I kept breathing through the tube until Brian turned off the supply and I couldn't breathe at all so I watched him for a little while and when he didn't do anything I started screaming. I screamed until all the air had escaped me and Brian looked over to me then rushed over and took the clip off of my nose so I could at least breathe through that.

"Sorry love, are you alright?" He asked and I nodded as I took quick breaths through my nose and led myself back so I could open my airways more, it was a trick the nurses told me in January and I'd used it more than I would have liked to but at least I knew it worked.

I looked up at Brian and he looked down at me with worry written all over his face, "do you need me to take that off you?" He asked and I nodded quickly before he sat me up and started undoing all the straps around the back of my head then supported the piece coming out of my mouth and gently wriggled the mouthpiece out.

I let myself flop back as soon as it was out and panted for breath, "god...that was fucking scary" I said and Brian looked down at me and brushed the hair out of my eyes, "never again. Never. Ever. Again" I mumbled then sat up a little and patted my chest as I swallowed all the spit in my mouth, "lord above I thought I wasn't gonna get out of this bed" I said and Brian nodded.

"By all the noise you made it definitely seemed like it" he said and I nodded, "sorry if I scared you but, y'know, dying is quite scary" I said and he smiled weakly, "you scared me but for a good reason" he said and I nodded as I held his hand.

"Well I'm fine now and hopefully my food will be coming in in a second and yours as well" I said and Brian nodded before the door opened and the nurse tottered in balancing a tray with two bowls of cereal on top. "Oop, sorry, mind out the way" she said and I quickly put the table up so she could put it down.

"Alright, two corn flakes, an apple juice and some milk right there" she said and I smiled as Brian got onto the bed next to me and picked up his bowl, "thank you, um, when's the review?" I asked and she made a little noise before she pulled something out of her pocket and gave it to me, "that's good...nine gives us enough time to pack away and everything so yeah, that would be lovely" I said and the nurse nodded.

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