Part 22

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John's POV
I woke up pretty early the next morning with a huge crick in my neck where I'd been in an awkward position. "I don't think he'll mind me nicking some food, nah..." I said to myself as I trudged out into the kitchen to get some dry cereal or something. I passed Freddie who was snoring softly and squeaking in his sleep and I didn't want to wake him so tiptoed quietly past him.

I got out to the kitchen and found a bowl of dry cereal that someone must've been picking from last night, "eh, can't hurt, Can it?" I mumbled and took a handful, throwing my head back to get it all in my mouth without spilling too much.

My early morning snack was interrupted by the sound of the letterbox being shut and, to be a good houseguest to Brian, I went out to pick whatever had come through off the floor. I crept out and found a slip of paper on the floor.

I didn't know wether to look at it or not, it was just a folded piece of paper, but I did decide to in case it was something from Veronica and she was wondering where I was. She did that a lot, not actually ask me something but leave little notes around the house to me, so I wouldn't be surprised if she walked all the way down here to leave me another note.

I unfolded the paper and had trouble reading the scruffy handwriting, "What? I... something R-something, come get Jim? Who's Jim? Gosh, people need to learn how to write clearer..." I mumbled, getting into a better light to see the letter, but I still couldn't make out what it said, "Oh well, I'll show Brian and Roger when they get up... they might be able to read it..."

I placed the letter on the little shelf near the door and went back to the couch to get a bit more shuteye, snuggling down into the cushions and almost getting back to sleep until there was a shout from upstairs. It sounded like Brian shouting something but I couldn't tell what. "Gosh, what now?" I tutted to myself and got up, heading up the stairs to Brian's room.

I knocked gently on the door and could hear whimpers coming from inside, "Brian? Can I come in?" I asked, clearing my throat, and heard a small noise in reply. I pushed the door open to see Brian alone in the room on his knees next to the bed, shaking.

I rushed over, landing on my knees next to him, and rubbed his back, "what's wrong? Have you had a fight or something?" I asked and he shook his head, his curls flying everywhere, "no... we haven't had time to have a fight... I just woke up and he's gone..." he choked out and I was a bit confused, "what do you mean he's just gone? He couldn't just leave, could he? I'm sure he wouldn't have the heart to do that..."

"But what if he was taken? Then he wouldn't have to have the heart to leave... what if he was-" he stammered and I felt my eyes go wide, "come with me... I think I have something for you..." I helped him up and led him down the stairs, out to the door. He saw the paper I read earlier and picked it up, putting a hand on his head to cool it down, "oh my No, no, I dreaming John? Please tell me I'm dreaming, no! Roger, oh my god, no..."

Tears streamed down his face and he banged his head against the wall, "I'm just dreaming... see, you're going to wake up and Roger's going to be right there beside you... and he's gonna be safe... and warm... and-" his voice cracked as he sobbed into the wall, holding the paper still in his hands.

"What does it say?" I asked, laying a hand on his shoulder, and he turned to me, "it says 'I have got Roger...come get him. Love, your special someone..." he choked those last words out, a mixture of hate and anger in his eyes.

"Does it say where he is?" I asked and he nodded, "it says our special place..."

I knew exactly where to find Roger but what state he'd be in I didn't know... I didn't know what this guy was capable of. And I don't think Brian did either, his face said it all...

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