Part 42

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New Year's Eve
Brian's POV
"You're not needing the bathroom for a while, are you?" Roger asked and I shook my head, "hang on, why?"

He pulled a little box out of his shopping bag and handed it to me, "hair dye! Why do you need to dye your hair!? I think it looks lovely like this" I ruffled his hair and he blushed slightly. "Well, I need to keep the blonde up and the others don't know I dye it so...yeah" he smiled and took the box back.

"If you need a hand then just call" I shouted after him and a little 'okay' came back from him. "God, I never thought he dyed his hair...I thought that was all natural" I muttered and plonked myself down on the couch.

I was happily tucking into a little bowl of popcorn with a film that I wasn't even interested in but couldn't be assed to change it over until a lot of commotion was going on upstairs. "Rog? You okay up there?!" I shouted but didn't get any reply, "I'm coming up!" I called then the commotion got louder.

I ran up the stairs and into the bathroom to find Roger with his head under the shower, grumbling to himself. "What's wrong? What did you do?" I asked and he pulled his head from under the water. "It's green! It's gone fucking green!" He shrieked and pointed at his hair.

Yes, it was indeed green...brilliant.

"Can't you just dye it again and get rid of it?" I suggested but he shot me daggers, "do you want me to look like I have fucking grass on my head!?" He shouted and I shushed him a little. "Sorry, sorry. Right, stick your head back under there and I'll get the shampoo, maybe I can get it out a bit" I said and he put his head over the bath so the water didn't go all over the floor.

I put a huge lump of shampoo in my hands then started rubbing it into his hair, getting everything from his scalp to his tips lathered in bubbles then turned him around so I could get to the front. If I thought the back was bad, the front was even worse.

"God, this is so fucking embarrassing..." he mumbled as I ran my hands through his hair, "why now of all times does it choose to dick me over? Why!? What did I do!?" He sighed and looked up at me briefly but scrunched his eyes shut where the soap was so close.

I took the shower head out of the holder and washed his hair off, "is it any better?" He asked and I hummed a little as a yes, "I can't hear you, what was that?" He shouted and I shouted back, "yes, it's going a little!"

A small smile appeared on his face before I turned him back to wash off the back of his head then turned the water off and handed him a towel. He rubbed his hair with it then went to throw it in the wash basket when his eyes widened, "Uhh, don't think we could get another towel, do you?" He smiled nervously and turned the towel around.

In the middle of the perfect white towel was a huge mass of green and yellow dye that had just come off of his hair, "oh my...umm, I might be able to" I said and had to bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from laughing.

"Hang on, it's on there so it might've gone from my hair!" Roger rushed over to the mirror and checked his hair to find the green had just gotten worse where he rubbed it about, "oh FUCK! FUCKFUCKFUCK-WHYYYY!?" He shouted and rested his head on the edge of the sink.

I couldn't hold it anymore, I just let my laugh out and didn't stop until I caught him glaring at me. "Sorry! It just looks so funny!" I chuckled and his glare softened as a grin spread across his face. "I guess I can forgive you, green hair isn't the best look but it's better than poodle hair!" He shrieked and rushed out of the bathroom as I chased him.

"I DO NOT LOOK LIKE A POODLE!" I yelled and he squealed as I chased him down the stairs and into the living room. I caught him and pinned him onto the sofa, "TAKE IT BACK!" I yelled playfully as I ticked his sides and he screamed, "NO! NEVER MISTER POODLE!!"

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