Part 82

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(Inspired by the drawing above)
Roger's POV
Brian had gone shopping in the centre for something, saying he was going clothes shopping for both of us for the costume party tonight, and I was bored. Seriously bored.

I was led upside-down on the bed with my head on the floor and the TV rolled around to the side of the bed so I could still see it whilst I was almost falling off the bed. Some presenter lady with completely fake tits was blabbering on about something that was going on back in London but I really didn't care, I just wanted a bit of noise to fill the silence.

"God, shut up about your politics and shit, I don't care!" I shouted at the screen and reached over to flip the channel over and it ended up on a children's channel with a bunch of string puppets on the screen. "Ooh, well this I don't really mind" I smiled and watched as the puppets moved about and one even turned on it's head so I could see it properly.

I was happily watching the puppets when Brian smashed the door open and trundled in with a shit load of bags in his hands, "alright? What the hell are you doing" he looked at me and I smiled widely as he started laughing, "Jesus, you're such a kid sometimes" he said and helped me sit up on the bed, "but I still love you"

He kissed my forehead and sorted out my hair then handed me three bags and sat opposite me on his side of the bed, "what's this? Is this those clothes you were saying about because if you've gotten me something bad then I won't wear it" I said and he pushed the bags closer to me.

"Just open it, mister picky pants" he said and I giggled before I delved into the first bag and pulled out a tiger-print sleeveless shirt and a little headband with two ears on it. "You're dressing me up as a cat?" I asked but Brian didn't move or speak, just nodded towards the bags to tell me to keep getting the stuff out.

I put the shirt and headband onto the bed next to me and looked into the second bag as Brian smiled at me. I pulled out a pair of black jeans with rips in the legs and a little hole in the butt, "Bri, they're broke! Where did you get them from?" I showed him the hole but he shook his head.

"They're not broke...they have a hole for a purpose" he said and pointed to the last bag with a wicked smile and I was slightly scared to look after I saw that it was from an adult shop. I put my hand in gently and found a paper bag inside which I pulled out and laid on the bed, "What is it, Bri? I don't trust it" I said and he smiled.

"I'll get it out if you like, it's nothing dangerous but if you don't trust it then I will" he said and I handed him the bag before he opened it up and pulled out something that resembled a tiger's tail, "this is yours. Now notice that there's no belt for it to go on or any hooks for the belt you know how it stays?" He asked and smiled at me wickedly.

I knew exactly how it stayed but to be honest I was slightly embarrassed to say it, "can I have it a minute? Just to have a look" I said and he handed it to me and I looked it over. It was light and soft but the one thing that looked daunting was the shiny metal thing on the top end. I knew exactly where that was going.

"It's one of those, isn't it" I mumbled and he nodded with a little smile, "oh Bri! You dirty boy!" I giggled and playfully slapped his arm, "um, one question...if I don't feel comfortable, say halfway through the night, can I take it out or should I keep it in as long as I can?" I asked and he shrugged.

"I dunno, if you feel seriously uncomfortable then take it out but I think it'll look good on you so I'd say keep it as long as you can" he said and I nodded a little then looked at my complete costume. "Okay..." I smiled and waited for a second before I launched myself at Brian and knocked him onto his back and gave him the biggest hug I've ever given him.

"Thank you, Bri. I'm sure it'll look amazing" I smiled and heard him make a little squeak before we pulled apart and he showed me something that looked like it should belong in a dungeon and not a bedroom. "What's that?" I asked and he smiled and handed it to me, "to keep that in...just in case you had any ideas of taking it out without me" he smiled and I looked over it.

It was sort of like leather pants but there was basically no ass to it, just a load of strapping at the back. "And I have to wear this as well..." I asked and he nodded then checked his watch and gasped, "you'll be putting it on sooner than you thought, it's almost seven!" He scurried off the bed and got his own costume out of the bags and rushed into the bathroom with everything trailing after him.

I looked at the leather so-called underwear and smiled a little, "at least he's thinking of my comfort" I said and got off the bed and went over to the bathroom door, "Bri? Can I come in or is the costume a surprise?" I asked and he poked his head out and looked at me.

"It's not really a surprise but I'll be just a minute then you can have it all to yourself" he said and I nodded before he shut the door and I waited patiently outside.

He soon came out dressed in a long black cloak with a little witch's hat plonked on top of his curls, "What d'you think? Pretty nice, huh?" He did a twirl for me and I laughed a little, "You look amazing, let's just see if I look as good as you" I said and grabbed everything from the bed and headed into the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror and picked up the face cream from the bag near the sink and started washing my face then dried it off and sprayed some deodorant under my arms, I was still kinda sweaty from the gig so hopefully it would cover it. "Alright, cat whiskers" I smiled and got a thin eyeliner pencil and drew short whiskers on my cheeks.

I grinned at myself then put on the sleeveless top and found a small pair of sweatbands and slipped them onto my wrists, "ooh...I might wear these more often, they're lovely" I smiled and looked down at the tiger-print bands then back at myself in the mirror. I found the headband and put it on then ruffled my hair up around it and sorted everything out.

"Brian? Would you help me with this tail?" I shouted through the door and Brian soon came in with a little smile on his face and took the tail from the bag. He took the little plastic cover off of the part that would actually go in me then looked at me in the mirror as I pulled down my pants and bent over the sink.

"Tell me if it's too much and I'll stop" he said and I nodded then put my head on my arms as I felt him spread my ass cheeks a little, "hang on, put it in your mouth for me" he said and pointed the black part and my mouth which I quickly put in my mouth and got it wet with saliva before he started running it up my ass crack.

I felt him stop just at my hole then push it in gently until I could feel the fake fur on the tail brushing against my ass cheeks and he let go of my hips then got the awkward leather underwear and gently tapped me on the head. "You alright? Is it uncomfortable or something?" He asked and I put my head up to look at him and shook it.

"It's fine just...a bit of a stretch I guess" I smiled and he nodded a little, "right, help me get this on, we've not got much time" I said and Brian held out the contraption which I stepped into and he shimmied it up my legs then got it in the right place and put all the straps at the back flat then did it up until it was comfortable but holding the little plug thing inside me.

I smiled and pulled the trousers on whilst I felt Brian pulling at the tail to get it through the little hole in the trousers, "oh, you look amazing in those!" He gasped and looked me up and down as I did up the button at the front, "wow...I knew it would suit you but you look brilliant" he smiled and kissed the top of my head.

"Thanks, I guess I don't look too bad" I smiled then Brian got a lipstick out of his bag and tried to put it on in the mirror but his hands kept shaking so he couldn't do it properly. "Hey, turn to me and I'll do it" I said and took the lipstick out of his hand as he wiped of his last attempt.

I looked up at him and did the line around his lips then told him to open his mouth so I could do his lips. He made a cute little 'aah' noise as I did it and even tried to lick the lipstick as I was doing his lips, "hey! That's not for eating, Bri, it doesn't taste good" I said and he smiled as I finished off his top lip and patted his cheek.

"You look lovely, my little witch, now shall we get down to that party?" I asked and Brian nodded a smiled before we linked arms and went back into the bedroom to get our essentials then went down the corridor to start our night out.

Hey hey hey! How is everyone?
I hope you're all okay and that you enjoyed this chapter. I wasn't too sure what to do so this is a bit of a filler before the real drama starts hehe
Nah, I'm only kidding.
Or am I? *dun dun duuun*
Anyway, I'll see you in the next chapter my lovies, stay safe <3 ~ Kate

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