Part 115

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6th of June 2017
Roger's POV
"Hang on, I think I just heard the post come through" I say to Brian and he nods as I make my way down the hallway and out to the front door. I pick up the letters on the floor and sift through them until I get to one with our names written on it in a scruffy handwriting, "ooh, what's this?" I mumble and open it up to find a letter inside.

I look at the Queen crest at the top of the letter and a smile forms on my face before I read through the letter dated 3rd of June 1978

Brian and Roger,
We heard that you two moved in together, congratulations! We hope you are using it to be creative together and not to have more arguments than usual (only joking).

But we would like to thank you for being so cooperative with us and we apologise for the inconvenience the camera crews made but we got some brilliant footage. We would also like to invite you to see our first draft of what we hope will make a great documentary for your fans to buy in the next few months.

We have arranged that the screening will be at 10:30AM on the 6th of June at the Mercury residence because he was the only one who would answer our calls. Please come along and tell us what you think, we'd really like to know what you think.

Thank you,
Bob H and the team x

Brian - yes, you can bring snacks but don't drop it on the floor or Fred will make you pick it up. His words, not mine.
Roger - we did try to cover your ass crack but you wouldn't listen so it will be broadcast to the entire world when this goes out. Sorry...

Thanks again! See you soon

Then right at the bottom was written:

40 years, boys. We never forget about you. Hope you can make it, Bob xx

I take the letter in to Brian and he reads it through then smiles, "they never do forget, do they" he says and I smile, "gosh, that's today! Go and get ready but please don't do your leg in again, I know it's been forty years but you were so needy when you broke it" he says and I make an offended face at him then laugh, "go on, get" he says and taps my ass as I turn away which lets a squeal escape me.

— an hour later —

We pull up outside of the block of flats Fred used to live in and get out of the car, "Jesus, it's never changed" I say and hear a hum as an arm wraps around me, "this is gonna be weird but I hope it's worth it" I say and start to make my way up the few flights of stairs to the flat.

I get up there first and knock on the door until it swings open and Bob greets me, "Roger! Hello, how are you?" He smiles and we shake hands, "I'm brilliant, how are you?" I ask and he makes a little noise, "not too bad, where's Brian? Is he parking the car or something?" He asks and I shake my head as we hear panting from the stairs.

"There he is, he's getting old you know" I say and Bob laughs as Brian appears at the top of the stairs and takes a quick break to catch his breath, "Jesus, it's been a while since I've been up all those stairs" he pants and I see Bob grinning as Brian stands up properly and finally greets him. They shake hands and talk for a little bit before Bob lets us in, "go on into the old living room, I've got everything set up"

We make our way into what was the living room and sit down on the sofa, "it still smells like him, it's weird" I say and hear a small hum as both of us look around. Bob comes in and turns on the projector to show us a grey screen, "ready, boys?" He says and both of us get comfy on the sofa before Brian gives him a thumbs up and Bob starts up the film.

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