Part 46

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Freddie's POV
I rushed into the lift and up to the third floor where Brian had told me, my foot tapping anxiously, and as soon as the doors opened I bundled out and almost ran down the corridor. I saw the sign for the ACU and went through the doors to find where my bandmates were.

I looked in every room until I found the one where Roger and Brian were both holding hands. "Hello...alright to come in?" I asked and Brian's face lit up as he saw me, "oh! You're here! I'm so sorry to disrupt you but I-I dunno" he stuttered and brought me into a tight hug as I shut the door.

"Hey Roger! How are you feeling?" I looked under Brian's arm and saw a thumb up in the air, "not talking? Okay..." I mumbled and Brian tapped my back. "He can't talk. Go over and see if you like but he can only write to you" he whispered and I hummed into his chest.

I pulled out of the hug and slowly went over to Roger, slightly scared of what I was going to see, then connected my eyes with his as soon as I could see him.

I almost cried at how helpless he looked as he tried to sit up but something must've shifted and he just flopped back with tears in his eyes, "oh dear, how are you?" I asked and rubbed his arm as he grabbed for a whiteboard and a marker.

He scribbled on the board then turned it around and showed me, "I feel like shit...and I might need one too" I read and his eyes lit up with joy as I scoffed and sat on the edge of the bed and Brian just stood behind me and held his boyfriend's hand.

"Should I call a nurse for you?" Brian asked and Roger put up a thumb to say yes then rested the whiteboard on his stomach as Brian went out of the room to find someone. "Can you not take that thing out?" I asked and he put his thumb down as a no then grabbed the board again, "it's in my lungs. That's why I gag if I move" I read and made a little shocked face at him.

Brian came back soon after, chatting with a blonde nurse, then told her what Roger needed. "Um, sir, could you step outside please..." she asked me with a little smile and I just waited outside the door whilst they did what they needed. I watched as families wandered up and down the hall to find their loved ones, some were crying, some were smiling and others I couldn't even tell what they were feeling.

"Fred? You can come back in now" Brian poked his head around the door and gave me a little smile then let me back inside with them. "Don't worry, he's all covered up" the nurse giggled as I nervously popped my head around the corner. I took one last look down the corridor and saw John running towards me, "Ooh, the cavalry's here" I joked and Brian popped his head out.

I held the door open for John then, when he was in and the nurse was out, I followed and shut the door behind me. "I'm so sorry I took ages..." He said, very out of breath from his run, and pulled out a little card from his coat pocket, "Ron wanted me to give this to you. She went and got it when she heard and wouldn't let me go until she wrote it out"

"It's fine, you're here now and that's brilliant" Brian said, wrapping his arms around John, and as they hugged he started shaking a little. "Bri, you're okay...he's okay, and both of us are okay. Stop panicking, mate" The bassist cooed and I saw Brian nod ever so slightly.

Roger clapped to get our attention, literally the only thing he could do to alert us, then held up god whiteboard which said
Hi there...I am still here even though I'm not my usual loudmouth self

John squinted to read it then laughed as he went over to his friend and gave him a little pat on the arm, "you're on the mend then, eh?" He smiled and Roger put a thumb up, "that's least you're keeping quiet" he joked and Roger glared at him, scribbling something down then turned it round.

"Fuck you!? That's not very nice, Rog..." John laughed and I heard Brian let out a little snigger as I just stood by the door grinning like an idiot. Brian popped out of the room after this and got two more chairs so all of us could sit down.

Those three little words (a Maylor fanfiction) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora