Part 56

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Freddie's POV
John and myself had been waiting for over an hour for Brian and Roger and the both of us were getting pretty pissed off. "If they don't turn up in ten minutes, I'm gone...if they won't show then I'm not bothering" I said and John agreed with a small hum.

"Should I go and give the house a call? They might've overslept" he asked and I simply nodded as he made his way out of the building to find a payphone. "Overslept my ass..." I scoffed, "I bet they're out there doing the dirty with each other, bloody couple" I grabbed my coat and slipped it on to wait for John.

He came in a few minutes later with a worried look on his face, "not answering...what if something's happened to one of them. Or both of them! What if they've been locked out and gotten a chill, what if they've had an accident...what if-" he paced around and I put a finger to his lips to shut him up.

"I'm sure they're fine...I know you care about them but all these 'what if' things aren't going to help. It's only going to get you and me more and more stressed" I said and he nodded, moving my finger delicately off his lips, then grabbed his own coat.

He gave me a small smile and said goodbye before he left to do whatever he wanted. I walked out after him and started making my way home on foot as all the things John mentioned whizzed around in my head, slowly driving me mad with worry.

(Meanwhile, at the hospital)
The couple were both having a nap, happily holding hands with each other, and were blissfully unaware of what was just minutes away from happening.

A nurse popped in every ten minutes to check on them but once came in with a visitor. He settled himself at the end of the bed and stared at the couple, smiling evilly, then began rummaging in his bag for something that can be both brilliant and life-destroying.

A flash bounced off the white walls and the object was put back in the bag over the man's shoulder. The evil smile returned and the man whispered, "sweet dreams,'ll be the last you'll have for a while" and with that, he got off the bed and left the room.

Freddie's POV
I managed to weave my way through the crowd surrounding the local gadgets shop and made my way quickly to the door of my house. I smiled as Mary whizzed past with a cup of tea in her hands and called a 'hello' on her way past.

"You're home early! What happened?" She popped her head around the door and gave me a little smile. "Well, Bri and Rog didn't turn up today so we didn't think it was worth doing anything..." I said and she cooed as she wrapped her arms around my waist.

She snuggled into my chest for a second then let go and looked me in the eyes, "umm... about that. The hospital called" she said and I felt my heart speed up slightly, "Uh, Roger's back in there. This morning they said he came in and couldn't breathe or something and that was all they'd tell me"

The news made my smile drop completely and rush out of the door. "I'm sorry! I'll be back later!" I shouted as Mary tried to call me back but I was already sprinting for the taxi rank down the road.

I turned the corner and saw the empty taxi rank, "FUCK! WHY ARE-URGHH!!" I shouted and leaned against the wall to get my breath back a bit band wait until a taxi came. My foot tapped impatiently until I heard a car coming around the corner and I spun around to see completely the opposite of what I wanted. A fucking arctic lorry.

'Fuck it. I'd be quicker running there myself than waiting for this bloody thing' I thought and started jogging down the street, following the road signs that led to the hospital.

On the way, I found another taxi rank with one car pulled up at it. I sprinted towards it and banged on the window to wake the driver up then opened the door and jumped in, "take me to the hospital, please..." I said and he just grunted in reply and started driving.

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