Part 112

631 27 10

(22nd June 1978)
Brian's POV
"Okay mum, I'll see you later and yes, I'll bring Roger. I know you've been dying to meet him" I said into the phone and saw Roger smile next to me as I gave Squeaky a belly rub.

"Oh I can't wait! But tell him to wear something casual, he doesn't have to dress up for us" she said from the other end and I smiled.

"I don't think he knows what dressing up is but I shall tell him"

"Good, see you later on baby boy...have a safe drive"

"See you later mumma and we will do, bye bye"

"Bye Brian"

I made a kissy noise into the phone and my mum made one back before she put the phone down. I put the phone down as well then turned to Roger who was grinning like an idiot, "what? Can I not give my mum a kiss?" I asked and he laughed and held my hand.

"You're such a mummy's boy, Bri" he said and I rolled my eyes and laughed before screaming came from the next room and Roger got out of the bed, "I'll get him, it's alright" he said and grabbed his crutches then went into the nursery and tended to Jimmy.

"Bri! He's been sick!" He shouted and I got out of the bed and rushed into the room to see Roger holding Jimmy who was covered in green throw-up, "is it supposed to be green? I don't think it is" he said and I shook my head a little as I took the squirming baby and led him on the change table.

"No, that's not right...maybe he's gotten a cold or flu or something" I said and heard a little hum as Roger moved himself over towards us. I undressed the week-old baby and put a mat underneath him in case he threw up again then cleaned him off for now with a baby wipe then cooed as he started screaming again.

He screamed for a while then brought up more green over the mat and started screaming again, "it's okay little man, stop crying, okay?" Roger cooed then gently shushed him and stroked his forehead to try to calm him down.

Jimmy stopped screaming and started coughing so I sat him up and patted his back until he threw up again, "could he have caught something from the doctors?" Roger asked and I shrugged, we had the one week checkup the day before and had to sit in a waiting room with people with god knows what so Jimmy might have caught something there.

"I hope not but it might be" I said and Roger nodded a little then left the room. He came back after a few minutes with a blanket in his arms then sat in the chair in the corner of the room, "bring him over here, Bri, this might help" he said and I gently picked Jimmy up then gave him to Roger who put the blanket on his lap and wrapped him up in it.

"Go and get ready if you want, I'll take care of him" he said and I nodded a little before I left the room. I went to the bathroom and did everything I needed then got changed from my pyjamas into something more acceptable to go out in.

I went back into the nursery and saw Roger with a little toy in his hand and Jimmy sat up in the crook of his other arm, "tiger loves you, do you love tiger?" He said in a high-pitched voice and Jimmy squealed and reached out for it as Roger laughed a little, "yeah, you love him so much" he said then gave him the little toy and pinched his cheek.

He didn't notice I was there so he carried on talking to Jimmy, "see, you won't understand love until you're old and grey like me but I will tell you now, the love I feel for your Daddy is amazing. I didn't think I could love someone like I love your Daddy but as soon as I saw him, I knew he was the one for me. And I hope you find that person as well, and it doesn't matter if they're a boy like you or a girl but they have to treat you right"

It was only after he'd said that that he noticed I was stood in the doorway and looked at me with wide eyes and bright red cheeks, "I, um, how long have you been stood there?" He asked and I smiled, "long enough, Rog...and you're completely right, he has to find a little person like him who'll take care of him"

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