Chapter 3

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Thank you for everyone who commented on the last chapter glad you are enjoying. But one of my pet hates is when people tell you to update as soon as you have posted a chapter, and don't even appreciate your hard work. Sorry about my moaning there hope people enjoy the next chapter.

"Well there's lots of different animals from all around the world and it's somewhere that you and Niall have wanted to come for ages." "Zoo, Papa. It's the zoo." Louis said happily and Liam smiled back at him. "Is it?" Liam said "Yes papa come on let's go." Louis said trying to get out his seat.

"Hold on Lou." Liam chuckled just as Harry started to stir. "I'm guessing he's figured out where we are?" Harry grumbled as he opened his eyes. "Yep now come on you can wake Ni while I Get Louis." Liam said as he got out after seeing Louis desperately trying to undo his seatbelt.

Harry gently woke Niall. 'Niall come on you need to wake up now we have arrived at our surprise' Harry says to the boy. Niall slowly wakes up. Louis is outside the car bouncing around excitedly. "Where?" Niall mumbles rubbing his eyes looking around and sees his little brother outside being holding his little brothers hand so he doesn't run off and he can hear Louis chanting zoo over and over again. "Is Louis being loud enough that you can hear where we are or do you need me to tell you." Harry asked laughing as the whole of the carpark can probably hear Louis. It took niall a couple of minutes to realise where they were and he put his teddy down and got out the car. 'Thanks daddy' niall beamed.

Harry smiled as Niall got out the car and went round to Liam practically bouncing along with Louis. Harry quickly grabbed the bag before Liam locked the car and the family made their way to the entrance. "See Love he's fine, he just needed that extra hour of sleep." Harry said to Liam as they walked into the entrance and Louis and Niall were happily walking in front. "I guess but I'm still going to keep a close eye on him today." Liam said. "I'm sure you will." Harry replied. Liam paid for the family of four and grabbed a couple of maps.

Harry took the boys to the toilet while Liam looked at the programme to see what time feeding times were. When Harry came back the family went and sat down to sort out what they were doing much to Louis' annoyance. "Why we sitting down." He whined as he plopped himself down next to Liam. "Well we need to figure out what we are seeing and when as certain animals are fed and do shows at certain times for visitors to watch." Liam explained sitting Louis on his lap. "Okay But hurry up as I want to see the animals." Louis stated and Liam laughed ruffling the boys hair.

Liam and Harry set up a plan and Let Niall look and suggest things. Papa can we feed and watch the elephants have a bath" Niall asked. 'Of course Ni' Liam said. 'Look lions are going to be fed' Harry told Louis who was obsessed with lion king. Liam nodded and circled the elephant stuff before heading Louis squeal. "I'll take it I'm circling lions as well." Liam said with a chuckle. "When can we see lions?" Louis asked and Liam looked at his watch. "In an hour Baby" Liam said and Louis nodded.

"Right so let's set off then. The things we defiantly want to do are circled and then anything else we will see as we come to it." Liam said lifting Louis off his lap and back onto the floor before taking his hand and Harry nodded in agreement before taking Niall's and the family of 4 headed off. The family if your four came to the monkey's first. Louis was really intrigued by them as he always got called a cheeky monkey. "Do you like the monkeys?" Liam asked him as Louis stared intently at them. "Yeah" Louis replied as he watched them jump and run around. "Why do you call me a monkey, I don't look like them?" Louis asked intrigued. Because Lou you have the personality of a monkey, Meaning your cheeky and bouncy and energetic." Liam replied earning a grin from Louis.

"Come on let's go and catch up with daddy and Niall I think they went to see the penguins." Liam said and Louis nodded pulling on Liam's hand to get him moving. "Alight Lou I'm coming." Liam said laughing as he let Louis pull him towards where he thought the penguins were. However Louis managed to find the tigers who were just sleeping at that moment. "Papa there not doing anything" Louis moaned looking at the tigers. "That's because there sleeping so were come back later when there awake." Liam said earning a nod from Louis as Liam led the way to the penguins. Niall looked at the way the penguins walked and was talking to his daddy how it was funny. Louis jumped on his daddy's back as he saw them scaring his daddy making the boy laugh. They then see fish and various other animals. Louis pointed out a nemo fish.

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