Chapter 78

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Louis like Liam expected did wake up during the night needing a wee and went to get up before remembering his ankle and instead called out for either his grandad or papa. Robin heard this having left his door open and Louis door open and got up and went to pick the boy up and carried him to the bathroom. "I'm guessing this is what you needed lou?" Robin asked when they reached the bathroom and the boy nodded wriggling in robins hold as he was pretty desperate. Robin pulled the boys trousers and underwear down and sat him on the toilet.

"Grandad turn round." Louis said and Robin chuckled. "Alright lou." Robin said doing what his 5 year old grandson had said. Louis did his wee and wiped himself before asking his grandad to help him. "Right back to bed then mister." Robin said once he'd helped Louis wash his hands and carried him back to his room gently placing him on his bed. "But grandad I'm not tired anymore." Louis whined and Robin sighed.

"This is why your daddy and papa don't like you napping any more Lou. It's only 3 in the morning it's way too early to get up." Robin said and Louis huffed. "But not tired want to play" Louis moaned. "It's night time bed time Mr" robin said and got the boy comfy with his blankie and sheep "But not tired." Louis stated again and Robin sighed.

"Do you want a story?" Robin asked and louis huffed but agreed to that and Robin searched for the shortest one possible. Robin read it and after three pages the boy a sleep. Robin carried on reading to make sure. When the book was over Robin carefully got up happy that Louis had fallen back asleep and he wasn't going to be up for hours with the stubborn 5 year old Robin then headed back to the spare room after checking Harry who was peacefully asleep. The house remained peaceful for the rest of the night.

It was the weekend and everyone had a lie in. Even for Louis who didn't wake up till 8:30 In the morning. When Louis did wake up he was a bit stuck on whether to get up himself or wait. His papa had just told him to stay of his foot yesterday but he didn't mention about staying off of it today. Louis was sat there trying to figure out what to do when Robin walked in chuckling at the boy who had a puzzled expression on his face.

"What's got you so confused this morning Lou?" Robin asked and Louis smiled turning to face Robin. "Can I walk again now?" Louis asked not coming to a decision himself. "I'm not sure let's ask papa when he wakes up" robin said. "Okay. Can I watch cartoons?" Louis asked while reaching for Robin so he would pick him up as the boy didn't want to be in bed any longer. "We sure can if that's what you want to do." Robin said quickly taking Louis over to the bathroom so he could use the toilet and Robin then carried him downstairs sitting him on the sofa.

Louis smiled as robin put the tv on and found cartoons for him. "Right do you want breakfast or do you want to wait till everyone else is up?" Robin questioned as Louis who was giving the tv his full attention Louis was too busy watching tv to answer. Robin decided to just leave the boy for the time being as he seemed perfectly happy and if he wanted breakfast he'd say so. Louis happily watched cartoons getting excited at certain points. Robin chuckled at the boy before sitting down next to him and placing louis on his lap which the boy didn't argue to just happily snuggled into his grandad and continued watching TV.

It was around 45 minutes later when Niall started to stir. He shook his papa awake being in pain. Liam woke through Niall's shaking and sighed when he saw the state his son was in. "Is it still hurting love?" Liam asked and Niall nodded being extremely close to tears. "If your still like this tomorrow I think your going to have to go to the doctors Ni as you might need antibiotics or something. I would have taken you today but it's Sunday and there not open." Liam said leaning over for the medicine that was on Niall's bedside cabinet. Niall opened his mouth slightly to take the medicine before curling into his papa. "You going back to sleep?" Liam asked and Niall shrugged. "Want too but it hurts." Niall said in a croaky whisper.

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