Chapter 97

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The next morning Liam rang work straight away as he was only working till 12 anyway and due to the short shift he was doing anyway due to louis' hospital appointment they already had cover in so they gave it to Liam anyway. Liam was grateful as he got Niall up for school and asked Anne if she could do the school run. Anne of course agreed to do the school run and went to check on Niall to make sure he was getting up and getting ready.

Liam then rang the fracture department where Louis was having his cast taken off and explained the situation. The department were understanding and asked if Liam still wanted to come in or if they wanted to move the appointment. "Are you able to see him for the urine infection as well or do I need to get a GP appointment" Liam asked.

"It's probably best you make him an urgent GP appointment as he'll be seen ASAP here you could be waiting ages as we can't see him for that in this department." He explained and Liam was expecting that answer. "Thought that was the case will he still be able to get his cast off with a urine infection" Liam asked "Yeah there's no reason why not it's your judgment if you think he's well enough to be out." They said.

"He's desperate for it off and he'll be so upset if can't because he's sick. I don't think he's feeling that bad in himself, just tired and constantly needing the toilet." Liam explained. "If it was me I'd still bring him in but it's your decision." They said.

"I will bring him in later and try a d get him an urgent GP appointment and I'm going to apologise now if we are late later" Liam said "Don't worry too much about it if your late we're fit him in when we can." He said and Liam sighed in relief. "Thank you I'll try not to be late." Liam said. "It's fine Liam but I think you need to be ringing the doctors now rather than talking to me as those appointments don't hang around long." "Yea thanks bye" Liam said as he hung up and rang the Drs.

Anne was comforting Louis who had woken up. "It's alright lou papas just ringing some people." Anne said softly to the boy. Niall came into cuddle and comfort his brother to. Liam soon reappeared smiling when he saw everyone cuddled on Louis' bed. "Anymore room for me?" Liam asked but Louis instantly started reaching for him. "Papa." Louis whined and Liam soon lifted him onto his hip.

"Right you've got a doctors appointment in an hour okay boo and their going to give you some medicine to stop your wee hurting and then we're come home for a bit and then go and get this cast off." Liam said softly. "He's still having it off?" Anne asked. "Yeah I've rang them and they said there's no reason that he can't." Liam said. Anne nodded and smiled.

"Come on Ni let's get you to school" Anne said. Niall nodded saying bye to his papa and brother before leaving the room. "Can you quickly tell the school while your their that Lou won't be in." Liam said and Anne nodded. "Course, I'll be back when I've dropped ni off." She said and Liam nodded thanking her. Niall got in his grandma's car.

'What's wrong with Lou" niall asked. 'We think he has a urine infection" Anne tells niall "What's That?" Niall asked. "It's when bacteria gets into your bladder and it makes it hurt to wee and because of that he doesn't feel too great either." Anne said and Niall nodded. "Is that why Lou was so tired yesterday" niall said. "Probably" Anne said as she parked up and they got out the car. "Right come on the love." Anne said and Niall happily followed her into the school playground. Niall then said bye as he went to his class.

Anne made her way to the office. When Anne reached the office there was a queue of people and Anne sighed joining the back waiting a further 10 minutes before she reached the front. Hi how can we help" the receptionist said. "I'm Louis Stlylison grandma unfortunately he appears to have a urine infection so won't be attending school today. "Awww sorry to hear that hope he feels better soon. Am I right I thinking he was getting his cast off today" the receptionist replied.

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