Chapter 44

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Thank you to everyone who voted and commented on the last chapter.

Robin soon arrived at Liam's and Harry's house and parked up. They went in. Gemma saying a quick hello to Niall and Geoff. Gemma told her mum to play with niall for a bit. So Anne and robin took over from Geoff. Gemma headed upstairs to take over from Karen. Gemma had quite a strong perfume on and as soon as she walked through the bedroom door it hit Harry in his sleep as the boy violently vomited in his sleep going all over himself and the bed. Karen smiled sadly at Gemma and rushed to get a bucket as she carefully propped Harry as he continued to vomit as he stirred. Harry was distraught when he figured what he'd done although both women were reassuring him that it was fine.

Gemma went over and hugged her brother not caring he was covered in puke. Harry groaned as he felt nauseous. "You ok" Gemma asked. Harry shrugged. "something making me nauseous." Harry mumbled. Then it suddenly clicked "Harry is it my perfume making you nauseous." Gemma asked. The boy shrugged. Gemma looked at Karen to see if she had clicked on to what she was thinking.

Karen silently nodded knowing what Gemma was getting at. "I'll go talk to Li, see what he thinks." Karen said and Gemma nodded cuddling her brother while Karen went to talk to Liam who she found asleep with Louis. Shall we change that top of yours and change the sheets." Gemma said. Harry just weakly nodded as Gemma took her brothers top of. Gemma grabbed a new top and cleaned Harry's chest, chin and mouth. She put his new top on before stripping the quilt and putting a new quilt cover on but had to stop and rub Harry's back as he was gagging over the bucket again. It was the strong smell that was getting to Harry.

"How long have they been asleep?" Anne asked chuckling seeing Louis and Liam sound asleep still. "Couple of hours now I would have thought they'd be waking up soon," Geoff said looking over at his son and grandson. Anne nodded and the three of them carried on playing with Niall.

Karen went downstairs and said hi to Anne and Robin before pulling Anne outside the room asking her if she had perfume on. Anne looked confused for a minute before her mind clicked and she beamed. "Look don't say anything, Gemma went in and has perfume on and harry said something about smell, I'm going to wake Liam up but can you take over from Gemma" Karen said. Anne headed upstairs.

Karen then went into gently wake Liam up without disturbing Louis. "Li wake up love." Karen said as she gently shook her sons shoulder. "What?" Liam grumbled not opening his eyes. "Come on Li, we think we might have figured out what's wrong with Harry." Karen said and Liam opened his eyes at that becoming curious as he thought Harry just had a stomach bug and nothing needed figuring out. "Geoff, robin can one of you carefully take Lou while i speak to Liam" Karen asked. Robin carefully got up as niall was still on Geoffs lap.

"What wrong with dad" niall asked. "Don't worry about it for now ni, your dad will be just fine." Geoff reassured the boy but he knew something was going on. Robin carefully picked up Louis and Geoff then did the same with Niall and both Robin and Geoff carried the boys into the backroom so Karen and Liam could talk in private.

Once the lounge was empty, apart from Liam and his mum. "So what do you think is wrong with Harry" Liam asked. "Well Harry was asleep and Gemma walked in she was wearing perfume and he vomited in his sleep." Karen said. Liam still didn't get it. "He has a tummy bug." Liam said "Li think the tiredness, sickness it's been just over a month since you have come back from a romantic weekend" Karen said. Liam gasped as it clicked. "You don't think." Liam gasped. "It's exactly what I think as does Anne I mean it would all make sense." Karen said and Liam nodded letting it all sink in.

"Papa." Karen and Liam heard suddenly and Liam knew it was Louis. Liam hadn't left his side all day and now I'm the 5 minutes that he had he now decides to wake up. Liam didn't have time to do anything before Louis came running in and going straight to Liam Robin close behind. "Sorry he wouldn't listen when I said you were having a grown up conversation." Robin said as Louis climbed onto Liam's lap snuggling back into his papa. "It's fine he probably won't know what we're talking about anyway." Liam said as he rubbed the boys back and kissed his hair. Louis snuggled into his papa as Liam tried to process what his mum told him.

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