Chapter 112

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Louis was asleep again by the time they got back to Gemma's and Adam was just about holding onto consciousness. "Don't go asleep yet Adam you need to eat." Gemma said and he son whined But nodded. Gemma also sighed as she knew she'd have to wake louis again to get him to eat something. She knew he needed something but also knew he might not want to eat. She got out of the car and got louis out. Katie helped her brother out of the car as they waited for gemms to open the door. "Alright head into living room you can watch a film while I put some stuff in the oven for dinner." Gemma said lying louis down on the sofa as the other 2 joined before Gemma went to see what they had in the freezer. Gemma saw some pizza and decided to put that on as it was late.

Once the pizza was done Adam and Katie both appeared. "Lou still asleep?" Gemma asked. "Yeah." Katie said and Gemma nodded going to wake the boy. Louid groaned. "Lou can you wake up so you can have some dinner we got pizza and then you can go back to sleep" gemma said. Louis whined and tried to bury himself further under the blankets and whined even more when Gemma picked him up out of his blanket cocoon. "Come on lets have some pizza and then you can go back to sleep" gemma said. Louis nodded and rubbed his eyes.

"Go to sleep after?" Louis asked as Gemma carried Louis to the kitchen. "Yeah we're get you changed into some of Adams pyjamas and then get you in bed." Gemma said planning on setting up a bed for Louis to sleep on in Adams room.

Louis nodded as his auntie carried him to sit at the table and sat the boy down. Louis ate some of his pizza as the rest of them did. Joe soon joined them as he came in. "Hello lou." Joe said with a smile seeing the boy as Adam got up and ran into his daddy's arms. "Hi." Louis mumbled rubbing his eyes. Joe smiled seeing the boy tired as he picked adam up and kissed him before placing him back in his chair. The kids carried on eating. Joe grabbed some pizza asking the kids what they did that day. "We went to the park and then saw louis' baby brother." Adam explained and Louis nodded in agreement before pushing his plate away and raising his arms for someone to pick him up. He didn't care who it was but he was tired and wanted a cuddle.

Joe smiled and picked his nephew up and cuddled him. "Can I go back to sleep now" louis answered. "Of course you can shall we put a pair of pyjamas on then" joe said. Louis nodded rubbing his eyes before yawning as joe carried him upstairs.

When they got upstairs joe helped Louis into some of Adams pyjamas which were too big for the boy but it didn't matter he was only wearing them to bed. "Do you want a story or anything?" Joe asked as they came back from the bathroom and louis climbed into the bed Gemma had set up for Louis on Adams floor.

"Yes' louis said. Joe smiled and grabbed a book and started reading it to the boy who was cuddled into him. Joe had barely read three pages when louis had fallen asleep. Joe smiled before tucking the boy in and made his way downstairs where Adam came over to him. "Where's Louis I wanna play." Adam said "He's gone to sleep which is exactly what your going to be doing after your bath." Joe said picking the boy up. "But not tired daddy as to play." Adam complained. "I'm sorry but that isn't possible its bath and bed" joe said. Katie helped her mum clean up from dinner.

"Can I play in the bath?" Adam then asked "Maybe we're see how it goes." Joe said before carrying Adam upstairs. Joe ran the bath and undressed Adam and soon got him in the bath allowing him two toys and the bubbles as he gave the boy a quick bath before getting him in his pjs ready for bed.

"You need to be quiet when we go in your room as Louis' already asleep." Joe warned his youngest who nodded yawning clearly ready for bed himself. Adam nodded. "Can I still get a story" adam whispered. "Of course but daddy can't do the codes like normal as louis is fast asleep." Joe explained. Adam nodded understanding. Joe smiled and let Adam choose a story before he climbed into his bed and joe sat down next to him letting the boy cuddle with him as he read the story.

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