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"Some parts of you skin? Girl, you look like you're ready to help the priest for a scheduled baptism."
Rom giggled, "True story."
"You guys are so evil." I said as I chuckle with my head shaking side to side.
The bell rings, we grabbed our bags and went to our respective classrooms.
Rom has to take English, Mire has to take Philosophy and I have to take Literature.
I sit in class, listening attentively to the teacher in front of me.
The feeling of being imprisoned inside a room filled with the people who don't like me, but as always mom says, "That's not forever. You'll get out of there soon."
As soon as the class's done, I head out, my friends haven't gone out of their classes yet, guess I have to go and wait for them at the library.
I pull my phone out and texted the two of them, "Hey girls, I'm at the library. See you guys there."
As I open the library door, the smell of the books rushed to my nose along the smell of the cold air from the air conditioner.
I breathe all the scent in and sighed out a pleasure, "Paradise.." I whisper.
I walk to the path between two shelves, running my fingers through the books.
Almost antique colored pages hit my tip and I know it tells me that that book is a legend for me to read.
I shove it out of the group, making the other books slowly fall and lie next.
As I caress the book with my hands, I hear lip smacks and smooth moans.
I lower my head, only to see a couple making out.
His eyes are closed and so is hers, they seemed to enjoy each other's skin.
I gasped and immediately walk my way out, I hear the girl moaning his name, "Shawn.."
I know eavesdropping is bad but I listened for a while and looks like she noticed how the books that covers them's in an inappropriate place, "W-wait.. Shawn, look, one book's missing, someone could've saw us."
I rushed out of the aisle and sat down with the book I chose.
My heart's beating so hard it scares me I might collapse, not sure what to feel, disgusted or threatened. I haven't seen actual things but I've seen kiss scenes in movies.
Seeing it in real life is so.. uncomfortable.

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