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He stands up and left for a while, "I'll go sit on the bench over there," he winks at me before leaving.
Rom leans over, "I'm gonna tell you guys about what I'm talking about in our messages."
Mire leaned closer, "Go on. Shoot."
"I'm so sorry Era but he's the one I wanna talk to you guys about!"
"HIM?!" I exclaimed in surprise.
"YES! Him!"
"This is a big joke!" I said.
"I just can't believe you're dating the hottest guy here in campus!" Rom says, "I'm so happy for you!"
"Hottest guy?!"
"YES! Everyone's crazy about him! I mean look at that," We glance at his direction, "Isn't that a piece of art?" Rom says.
I shiver, "Art?! Art?! Is that an insult!? He's a fuck boy!"
"What? Why do you talk to your boyfriend like that?"
"Guys.." I breathe deeply and about to tell them that he's also the guy I saw at the library, kissing a girl.
I started to wonder whether to tell them or not.
I'm fake dating the hottest guy, he's being fake sweet and we're pretending to be a couple. Might as well just go on with it.
"Hey Era? What's it you're gonna tell us?"
"Oh, it's uh.. it's uh.. it's just about the guy I told you guys about too, remember him kissing another girl? And how he accused me of stealing his ring?"
"Well, karma seemed to hit him up."
"Why? What happened to him?" Mire says.
"They broke up."
Mire scoffs, "Well, they deserved it."
"Let's not talk about them, let's talk about you and your boyfriend. So, how did it happen? How did you guys end up together?" Rom asks excitedly.
I cleared my throat, "Well.."
The words that will come out of my mouth is surely just pure lies.
"We met at class. I dropped my book and well.. he uh.. picked it up. Yeah. He picked it up and that's it."
"Yeah, and it just went on and on. And he also asked if he could meet me at the canteen and—"
"AHA! So that's why you went there!" Mire says.
I simply nod, "Yeah, I actually went to see him there."
"Gosh Era! You sneaky playful girl!"
I scratched my head, "You can say that." I said with a laugh.
I looked at Shawn's direction and plucked my head down, telling him to come back to our spot.
He walks flawlessly, no wonder why he's the hottest guy in campus.

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