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  I was about to head out of the art room but all of a sudden, my phone vibrated.
It was a call from Mire.
"Hello?" I said.
"Hey girl, where are you?"
"I'm here at the art room. Why?"
"Thank god. I thought you're on your way here."
"I'm about to. Why?"
"Can you get another 9 jars? These representatives forgot to bring theirs and Lani says since you're already there, it would be good if you could come back with 9 plus yours, total in 10 jars."
"Great.." I mumble.
"Is it okay?"
"Yeah, yeah. Sure thing girl. No worries."
"Or do you want me to go and help you there?"
"No, no. I'm fine. I can take it. Just take a look at my booth while I'm still fetching the jars you guys need."
"Sure thing darling."
"Oh, by the way, have you seen Shawn already?"
"Wait.. I'll go look around."
I snap the phone between my ear and one raised shoulder as I look for more jars.
"Hello Era?"
"Yeah, I'm still here Mire."
"He's not here yet."
"Oh.. okay. How about Rom?"
"Yep, she's here. She looks miserable though." She joked.
"You bad girl." I laughed, "How about Haelly?"
"Nope, she's not here yet."
"Oh, okay. Well, I gotta go."
"Okay girl. We'll wait for you here."
"Alright. OH! Let's grab some coffee later after the event. I miss you two, SERIOUSLY!"
"Sure thing. I'll go tell Rom."
"Okay.. bye Mire."
"Bye girl."
The phone call ended. I put it back inside my pocket and continued grabbing the things I need and the things they asked for.
"I need this, this.. and OH! These too!" I said like a little girl, picking flowers and cute stuff in a wonderful garden.
I have three jars on my left forearm, three on the other, three clamped within my fingers and the last one's on the other. Sounds complicated.
I have to leave the other things I need, I'll just come back and grab them, for now, I have to take these to them.
I head out the room and made my way to the open field.
Mire's already extending her hand for help as soon as she saw me coming out of the building with the jars occupying the spaces of my body.
"Thank you!" She says happily as she gave me a kiss on the cheek.
Lani came to grab the other jars and handed it over to the representatives handling the stalls and booths.  

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