Chapter Nineteen

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I ran down the hall to my room as soon as quickly as I could, not wanting anyone to see me in last night's outfit. Courtne was still sleeping. Thank goodness. I undressed myself and took a shower, hoping that would make me feel better. I changed into a pair of navy leggings and a sweatshirt to go enjoy the free luxury breakfast down in the hotel's restaurant. A spinach omelet, French toast and a glass of orange juice did me justice, along with some ibuprofen from the reception desk.

Incoming Call: Max



"Hey Max, what's going on? How are y-"

"I made them team Em! I made the freaking team!"

"Oh my God. Max that's great! I'm so happy for you!"

"We've been trying out all week man, and he let us know like ten minutes ago. I'm playing with dudes committed to Maryland, Purdue, Michigan and Marquette. It's a guy from LA that made it too. He plays at Sierra Canyon, but anyway I'm so freakin' stoked. We leave for Dubai in a few days."

"I'm so proud of you Max. Have you told mom and dad?"

"Not yet. I wanted to call you first."

"Go ahead and call them, then call me back. I know they're anxious to know."

"Okay. I'll call you right back."

"Alright. I love you. You make me so proud to be your sister."

"I love you too Em, bye."


Just as I was about to pay my bill and head back to my room, Owen appeared, "Emmy Emz what's good?" he sat across from me, "I'm hungry as fuck."

"Good morning!" I elevated my voice to purposely fuck with him.

"Yo, why you gotta be so fuckin' loud?" he held his head, "come on with that playing 'round."

"Here, take these. It'll help," I passed him a little packet of two ibuprofens that I had received from the nice woman at the front desk, "Guess what?!"

"What?" he tossed them back and washed it down with the remainder of my orange juice, "you finally let Aubrey make it do what it do? I saw you went to his room last night."

"Uh no," I rolled my eyes, "Max made the team."

"Oh shit, forreal? My nigga. When he find out?"

"He just got off the phone when you walked up. I'm so happy for him, Owen. Team USA is a big deal. Especially at his age. We have to get us a ticket to Dubai and see him play."

"For sho, but you know Dubai is expensive as fuck."

"You're right, but I'll figure something out."

"Shit, what you mean? You're the one with the new Jimmy's on your feet. I peeped that yesterday. You have the big dollars."

I didn't even want to tell him that Aubrey bought me those. He would just go on and on about it. Change the subject.

"So what's going on with you and Courtne? You aren't the only one doing the peeping."

They were flirting on the low all night. Courtne would make a couple comments about him here and there about how cute he was. Owen would just be staring and smirking at her. I figured they had some type of connection going on, even if it was due to the alcohol.

"Shawty fuck. She was flirting with me a lil bit, I gave it some play," he shrugged, trying to be all cool about it, "she a sweet girl though."

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