Chapter Seventy-Two

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"So, let me make sure I'm understanding this correctly. You're sending Emilia and Elena in there with no type of protection but a couple of wires so you can eaves drop on the conversation?" I recollected everything Detective Battares explained to the group, "How do we know this isn't a set up to hurt them? I can't let that happen. There's gotta be another way for this to go down."

"We'll have a van less than a block away where my team will be stationed and I'll have my other guys surrounding the home. I've already checked out the residential area," he said, "I'm more than confident we have everything planned out well."

"I don't know-"

"Babe," Em's hand gently rubbed across my back, "I'm gonna be fine. We're going to be fine."

"I know it's a scary situation, Mr. Graham. But both ladies know the cue words that'll let us know if they see anything that present imminent danger such as weapons. We'll be able to hear everything, so with my men having the place surrounded we'll be able to act in less than a second," he said, "we just need the girls in their long enough for a confession about the police officer impersonation, stalking and his relationship with Paul."

"AG, I feel everything you're saying man," Gelo said, "it's risky as fuck, but I'd rather do this with their help and put him away over him getting locked up once he's done something to them that can't be undone."

"I wanna be there too."

"Mr. Graham, I don't think-"

"I can't let you do that, Aubrey," Spoons shook his head, "there's no way."

"If your spotted, that can draw a lot of attention and blow our cover," the detective said, "for all Harold knows, the girls are coming there alone."

"So I'm supposed to sit back with a glass of champagne and let my girl go be around someone who mentally unstable? Like he didn't pretend to be a cop, pull her over and harass her. Am I the only sane one in this fucking room?!"

"Once again, Mr. Graham, I can assure you that me and my team will do what's necessary to do to keep the girls safe."

I couldn't listen to anymore talk. I excused myself and was en route to the safari room. A quiet place for me to think. I stood in front of the window that overlooked the pool and closed my eyes; thinking about how this thing would go down tomorrow. Nothing positive came to mind.

Ten minutes passed by when I heard a soft knock on the door. The sound of the footsteps let me know that it was Mila.

"I'm okay, go back downstairs."

Her arms wrapped around my waist, hands on my pectoral muscles and her head resting comfortably on my back.

"Baby, relax. Your heart is beating like crazy."

"I can't and you know that."

"I know it's scary," she sighed, "but it's something that has to be done so all of this can stop."

"If something happens to you-"

"Aubrey," she took my hand and turned me around, "nothing is going to happen to me. I'll be in there long enough to get what we need and then I'll be coming home to you."

"You can't promise me that."

"You're right. I can't."

"I love you. I have so many plans for you...for us and if something happens to you. If I lose you-"

"You're not going to lose me, Aubrey. Don't think like that."

"How can I not? The last time you were alone with a crazy mother fucker I was watching him beat the shit out of you. Helpless, unable to do anything. If Owen wouldn't have gotten to you when he did you'd be dead."

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