Chapter Forty-Three

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It felt good to be back in California. I was looking forward to a day of relaxation after flying in from North Carolina a few short hours ago. Last night was insane. I killed it onstage with my brother, J Cole, as a special guest on his 2014 Forest Hills Drive Tour in is hometown. The love the people of Fayetteville showed me was indescribable. The love they had for their hometown hero was on another level. I was happy to be apart of it. He'll always have my support in whatever he does. Like I told him onstage, he's like family and I have plans to be at his wedding. Vice versa.

Of course, I wanted to be with my girl but her day was full. I texted her as soon as I landed Sunday morning; she was at church with her family. Her dad had asked that all of his children attend with he and his wife in hopes to get their family back right. I smiled at the picture she sent me of them. She was sitting between Max and Lena, with her mother and father on the other side. The family was beautiful.

Aubrey: can I see you tonight?

Emilia: I'm going to my parents after we leave here. Family dinner at 5...we're supposed to be making things better with mom.

Aubrey: I'm trying to get that invite one day. I wanna meet your mom and pops.

Emilia: not until 💍💍💍💍💍? Lol

Aubrey: I'm trying to make that happen if you stop playing this hard to get game with me.

Emilia: we'll see. I'll feel more comfortable with you meeting them when the tension isn't so thick.

Aubrey: I can I pick you up later tonight?

Emilia: I thought we were meeting up at your place tomorrow night with Majid and Jordan?

Aubrey: yeah, they'll be flying in tomorrow but I'm talkin bout on a personal level.

Aubrey: I can't prove myself to you if we don't spend any time together alone.

Emilia: you have a point. No sleepovers though.

Aubrey: I can respect that

Emilia: you can pick me up tomorrow...noon?

Aubrey: that's actually perfect. I had something planned for you anyway.

Emilia: more flowers? I'm running out of room. Lol

Aubrey: nah, but they're gonna keep coming until you're nice to me again.

Emilia: I am being nice.

Aubrey:okay. can I kiss you?

Emilia: No

Aubrey: see? Mean ass.

Emilia: 😘😘😘

"Yooo AG," Gelo walked into the living room, where I was stretched out on the couch.

"What's up bro?" I lifted my head against the arm as he sat in the love seat adjacent from me.

He smiled and rubbed his hands together, "so I'm taking Elena out later tonight. She doesn't know about it. It's a surprise."

"Where you taking her?"

"My initial thought was dinner, but she going to her parents for that."

She may still be hungry afterwards from the way I heard those dinners went. Hopefully this time would be different.

"So, I'm thinking we can take a walk on the beach. She likes the beach a lot and maybe go for something sweet like POP Champagne and Desert Bar."

"It sounds cool. Real chill," I nodded, "she's a little uppity, but I think she'll like it."

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