Chapter 70

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Deceived Heart

Amelia's POV :

"Okay so I'm confused . Why did I cause a jump in the dating scene ?" I ask him having my drink quite thirsty from the laugh I just had .

"Well Zion has never dated a "normal" girl . He's always gone for models , actresses , singers . Not just someone from New Orleans or anything . I mean you drive yourself around and yeah ." He shrugs having fries from his plate .

"For all you know I could be doing something z I could be a ghostwriter ." I shrug .

"True , but he's always been with people who are forever in front of cameras . Aren't you kind of afraid ?" He asks me .

"Nope ." I say , I don't even know why I'm taking to this stranger but he seems cool .

"Well that's really amazing , cause I wouldn't be able to . Imagine ." He pushes his hair off .

"Wait but how did you manage to get Zion ?" He asks .

"Are you gay ?" I ask genuinely curious .

"No , now answer my question ." He says .

"I'm his brothers best friend ." I tell him .

"Woah , let me guess . You and your best friend have done some things together and now he's most probably upset that you're dating his brother ?" He says stuffing his burger with chips .

"That is very accurate . Are you like stalking me or something ?" I laugh taking a few of his chips cause they looked amazing .

"Hey !" He hits my hand but I still eat the fries .

"To answer your question . No , I'm not stalking you . It's in the article and I wanted to know if it is actually true ." He shrugs .

What the hell ?

I quickly go onto the internet to read the article . It talks about my relationship with Zion and how it started off . There's a picture of him and I at sea world talking while holding hands . It talks about my relationship with Tyler but it seems to be twisted making me seem as though I completely left Tyler for Zion because he is more successful and he can give me the money I need . It mentions me being sick and how I'm threatening Zion .

"What the hell ?" I say out loud already calling Zion .

"So are you trapping him ?" The guy next to me laughs just to make the mood lighter .

"Hey Sunshine I know ." He sighs .

"You know that I'm not cheating right ? That's just a coworker of mine ." He rushes out and I laugh going to a corner .

"Zion I trust you . I just hate how I'm the bad guy in all of this and I genuinely don't care what others think because only close peoples opinions matter ." I tell him with a sigh .

"Sunshine that article is just utter crap . Sadly I can't do anything about it because it's already out there ."

"I know and it's alright , I just wanted it check in on you . Are you alright ?" I ask him .

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