revenge part 3

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Fives: your probably wandering why I called you two here.

Rex: if you still want a pic of me and Ahsoka kissing, forget it.

Fives: no its something much more important than that.

Ahsoka: well, what is it?

Fives: your two arch nemesis Barriss Offe and Lux Bonatari are trying to get you two to break up!!!

Rex: what

Ahsoka: that doesn't make any sense Barriss is my friend... And Lux can speak for himself.

Fives: didn't you wander why you got the theaters you were going to mixed up? Or how some one kicked your seat? Or how rex "incidentally" spilled his soda on you?

Ahsoka: that is kinda strange...

Rex: wait, how do you know that fives?

Ahsoka: yeah

Fives: I..err.. um.. Was at the movies too! And yeah, I just, ah happen to glace at you two several times.

Rex: like we believe that.

Fives: come on we have to get back at Barriss and Lux!

Ahsoka: we?

Fives: what? I'm getting revenge too. I mean, they were messing with my ship!

Rex: -facepalms-

Ahsoka: We still don't know if this is true... But then again in always up for a good prank..

Rex: If your in, I'm in.

Fives: then lets get revenge... real life...

Barriss: what do we do now?

Lux: it's your turn to come up with the plans now berrie!

Suddenly the door shuts and the lights flick on and off

Barriss: what the bantha just happened?

Lux: i don't know!

Barriss: uh, why does it sound like someone is coming right for us?

Lux: you mean that weird creepy walking sound?

Barriss: yes!that is what I mean! Duh!

Suddenly a huge figure emerges from the shadows and walks creepily towards the two

Barriss: is this the end?

Lux: hold me!

Barriss and Lux hug each other as they tremble fearfully

Ghost: you have messed with my ship! For that you will pay!

Lux: uh, wait, who are you?

Barriss: yeah.. And I haven't driven a ship in years. My masters kinda old style.

Ghost: uh, I am the shipping ghost! And you've been messing with Rexoka. For that, your going to pay... Very greatly.

The ghost starts coming closer to them

Lux: if.. If this is the end... I just wanted to tell you something berrie.

Barriss: me-me too

Lux and Barriss: I love you!

ghost: wait, what?

Lux: I really did like Ahsoka... At first. But that was before I met you berrie. The love of my life. Your sweeter than any berry I've ever tasted

Barriss: and same to you. I so was  into Rex..  But then I fell for you. The smartest man I ever met.

The two actually kiss

Ghost: WTF Is happening?

Ghost: this is not real

Barriss: at least we'll die together


Ghost: Okay... Um, actually never mind. I think I'm too creeped out to actually kill someone.

Hardcase: aww come on fives! I wanted to shoot them with paintballs!

Jesse: yeah!

Jesse and Hardcase suddenly rip the ghost open and appear inside of it

Hardcase: suck laser!

Fives through speaking device inside the ghost: well... I got revenge... sort of

I think I just created the weirdest ship of all time. Luxiss or barux?

Please forgive me for how weird these texts have become.

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